Page 63 of Dan.

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All she whispers back is, “Dan, please don’t stop,” and while she doesn’t give me those three precious words that I desire so badly, the way she clings to me and kisses me like she’s a drowning woman and I am air, tells me that the love is there. Soon she will say it, I just have to have faith in her. That might make me a fucking fool, but I’m beginning to believe that feeling foolish is just part of loving Elise Van den Bosch.

It's a moment that feels both fleeting and eternal, and I know that it will stay etched in both of our souls forever.

But, as the sun starts to dip below the horizon, I know it’s time to go back to the villa and return to our roles as sister and best friend to Andries. We’ve managed to avoid him for almost two days during a difficult portion of his life, and to do so anymore is just cruel.

Still, looking at Elise in her tiny bathing suit, hair wet and slicked back, it’s tempting to stay and just deal with Andries’s anger later.

Staying longer isn’t feasible anyway, though, because there are no amenities at Piscina di Venere. Even if we have to cut our visit short, the time we had here is unforgettable.

Back at the villa, Andries and Roxanne are once again nowhere to be found. I should be more bothered, but I have one last surprise for Elise––the romantic dinner date I promised––so I’m not too upset about my best friend being impossible to find.

I can sense that something is off, and it isn't hard to guess what it is. I know that Andries needs time to process everything that has happened with the Bar Rouge scandal. I feel a tad guilty that I'm enjoying Capri more as a romantic vacation than the couple that's supposed to get married next month. Maybe I should be doing more to help Andries and Roxanne, but I don't know what it’s supposed to be.

As the days have passed, the tension between Roxanne and Andries has seemed to grow instead of dissipating, which leads me to believe that they haven’t been working on it when we aren’t around. can see the strain on their relationship, which means it’s obvious to everyone else, too. I wonder if they will make it through this and if their upcoming wedding is even still on. I try to push the thoughts out of my mind and focus on enjoying the remaining time with Elise, but the cloud of uncertainty lingers.

Since today is our last day before returning to Amsterdam, I have meticulously planned the perfect evening for Elise. I have reserved a table at a fancy restaurant––one that is renowned for its romantic ambiance and delectable food––and eagerly anticipate seeing the look on her face when she realizes where we’re going.

As we're getting ready to leave the villa, Andries appears for the first time in hours. I’m dressed in a light tan linen suit, with a white shirt beneath and the collar open, clearly dressed for a night out and not dinner on the terrace like usual. Trying to talk to him without showing my hand about my plans for the evening seems to be working until Elise shows up in a pale pink silk dress that reminds me all too much of the nightgown I had fucked her in the previous night, with her hair loose around her shoulders and her long legs bare. She’s so hot that it makes my mouth go dry, but seeing the two of us together seems to tip off her brother that we are going out. He curiously asks why we're leaving all dressed up, so tell him that I wanted to take Elise out for a special dinner, hoping that he also has private plans with Roxanne, but before I can finish my sentence, Andries interjects with a suggestion of his own. “Let's have dinner with all of us. It's our last night here after all,” he says.

Elise and I exchange a glance, both of us taken aback by Andries’ sudden change of plans and almost rude interjection into our evening, but we shouldn’t be surprised. Andries does what he wants, when he wants to.

My heart sinks as I realize that my carefully crafted evening has been thwarted by his impulsiveness. I can see the disappointment on Elise’s face, and I know that she feels the same way. But we put on a brave front trying to make the best of the situation and agreeing to take the other couples with us.

“Let’s just ditch them all,” I whisper to Elise once Andries leaves to collect the rest of the group.

“We can’t,” she laments, rolling her eyes. “It’shiswedding we’re celebrating. Maybe he wants to patch things up with Roxie but doesn’t want to have to do it alone.”

“Or maybe he just wants to drag us all into his misery,” I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. “Whatever. I can’t imagine the sulky attitude he’ll throw if we don’t take him now.”

“It’s fine,” Elise shrugs one bare shoulder. “It will be a nice way to close out the trip as long as everyone behaves.”

I step in front of her and put one finger under her chin, tilting her face up so she’s looking me directly in the eye. “When we get back to Amsterdam, I don’t care if you try to end this thing between us or not. I’m getting my romantic date alone with you, if it’s the last thing I do.”

A small smile plays at the corner of her lips, and I can’t resist kissing her briefly before she pushes me away with a giggle. “You know you’ll be busy with your playboy life when we get home,” she jokes, but her words make me frown.

“El, when I say I love you, I mean it. There is no one else for me.”

“I know,” she breathes, suddenly serious. “Trust me, Dan, I know.”

This time when I kiss her, she doesn’t pull away, even though we’re standing in the middle of the villa.

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

The entire group of us arrives in two cars, and I have a bad feeling as soon as I see Andries climb out of the front seat of his, while Roxanne climbs out of the back with her sister and Robin. I look over at El, who has seen the same thing, a line of worry between her brows.

“That’s not good,” she muses.

“No joke,” I shake my head. “Let’s just make the best of this without getting too drunk.”

“No promises.”

Ziqù Restaurant is situated on a terrace overlooking the beautiful views of the island, and it has been beautifully decorated with lights that twinkle like fireflies as we enter. There is lush greenery and trees surrounding the place, giving it an intimate and welcoming feeling. Elise’s eyes sparkle with anticipation as we walk inside together, and she’s uncommonly affectionate, maybe emboldened by the fact that her brother now knows we’re basically together, holding onto my arm as we enter the terrace. Even though the view of the sea draws my eye like it does everyone else’s, I find myself looking at Elise more than anything, wanting to memorize this night and the way it feels for her to treat me like her partner out in public. Like she’s proud of the fact that we’re together.

It’s almost a shame that Elise is taking up all my senses at the moment, I picked this location for our date for a good reason. Ziqù serves a variety of local and Mediterranean cuisine, which is prepared with fresh ingredients that are sourced from the island's local farms and fishermen. The menu is designed to showcase the rich culture and nature of Capri without being too pretentious, and the wine pairings are just as stellar. This was supposed to be something special for Elise and me, but at least I’ve still had the chance to bring her here, even if our date has been crashed by our friends.

I want to have a good time no matter what, but as we sit at the table, I can't shake off the feeling of unease. My gaze keeps drifting toward Roxanne and Andries, who seem to be behaving like two strangers. They don’t touch, kiss, or even really look at one another. When they speak, they don’t look into each other’s eyes, just stare straight ahead like it’s painful to see each other. The tension between them is palpable, and it’s hard for me to enjoy my evening while they are clearly struggling.

We all toast to our last evening in Capri with champagne, but the conversation is stilted and forced. Andries, sitting on the other side of the table, is quiet and withdrawn, and Roxanne seems distant and preoccupied.

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