Page 26 of Dan.

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I force myself to look away at his shirtless figure, only for my gaze to land on Johan instead, who is equally undressed. Everywhere I look seems to be a minefield, so I just pull out my phone and start scrolling social media instead. Looking up discretely from under my lashes, I’m surprised to see that it’s Johan and Dan on one team, and Lili and Robin on the other. I guess they really have become fast friends despite the odds. If my brother was here, I’m sure he’d be more than happy to tell me how I ruin everything––including this potentially strong friendship between the two men.

Refusing to sink into melancholy before I’ve even had my breakfast, I watch them play absentmindedly while checking my emails and other accounts. At first, I feel bad for Lili having to be stuck in the pool with all the men. It’s soon revealed that the little bookshop keeper is quite the competitor, and it’s fun to watch her come out of her shell.

Quickly, though, I realize that while Johan and Dan are on one team, it’s really just an excuse to compete with each other differently. Instead of using some sort of tactic to win the game, they spend all their time trying to outplay one another, rushing to the ball at full speed and pushing each other out of the way when necessary. Their showboating leaves plenty of room for Lili and Robin to play more skillfully, which makes me happy. Dan and Johan could both stand to be knocked down a few pegs.

While I’m still perusing apps on my phone, a text comes in from Mom, asking if we can video chat. Since Dan is occupied and Andries is still asleep, I figure that there isn’t anyone to humiliate me around and tell her to go ahead and make the call.

Mom looks lovely and well rested, and she’s excited to walk the phone out to their balcony and show me the stupendous view of Lake Como.

“I wish you were here, darling,” Mom sighs. “But are you having a good time? I was so afraid you’d feel left out.”

“Not at all,” I assure her, even if she’s partially right. “It’s so beautiful here. I’m having a good time.”

Mom tilts her head to the side as she considers how to be delicate with her next inquiry. “And your brother? He’s doing okay?”

“Better than okay now that Johan is here. They’ve become the best of friends it seems like,” I tell her, exasperation in my tone. Mom laughs.

“We all always liked Johan, so that’s no surprise. But it must be making Dan jealous for Andries to have a new close friend… or is it something else he’s jealous about maybe…?” She’s fishing for information, but unfortunately for my mother, she isn’t going to get much from me.

“I have no idea what you mean, Mom.”

She huffs. “Yes, you do. I’ll just ask plainly, then. How are you doing having both Dan and Johan there? It must be strange.”

“It is,” I admit. “But Johan is just a friend. We’ve established that. He and Dan didn’t hit it off right away, but they’ve been warming up to each other. At this point, Johan is here for Andries, not me. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Johan over to have dinner at the estate once the trip is over.”

“I don’t mind at all!” Mom chirps. “That sounds lovely. Will he be around, though? That’s quite a long trip for him to make just for dinner.”

“Actually, he’s going to be in the Netherlands anyway for Andries’s wedding…” I look around to make sure that my brother hasn’t made a surprise appearance. I don’t want him to overhear me. Bringing the phone closer to my face, I continue, “Speaking of the wedding––”

Mom’s face shutters. “Elise. Don’t.”

“Come on, Mom. Are you sure you want to miss your oldest child’s wedding? I know you and Dad are trying to make a point, but by now you have to see that Andries isn’t going to change his mind.”

“You know why it’s difficult.”

“Honestly, Roxanne isn’t nearly as bad as you and Dad want to believe she is. Andries got wasted at the bar last night with Dan and Johan and Roxanne immediately took care of him when they got back to the villa. She’s very caring and protective of him… there’s real love there. Isn’t that what you want for him, to be loved?”

I can see Mom lowering herself into a seat on their balcony with a heavy exhale. The stress of thinking about the wedding seems to weigh her down, even the corners of her mouth falling. “Yes, darling, but I want more for him than that, too. Your father—”

“I know plenty about Dad. We’re talking aboutyou, Mom, not him.” I hate to interrupt her, but given the chance, Mom will just talk in circles until I get tired of hearing it and just give in.

Her eyes flutter closed, and to my surprise, she gives a small nod. “All I can promise you is that I’ll think about it, okay? No promises.” She opens her eyes again, her mouth thinning. “Just make sure you keep an eye on your brother. You’re the more responsible Van den Bosch child, Elise, and I’m counting on you.”

“I’ll try my best, Mom.” Truthfully, I’ve been just as wild as Andries, I just hide it better than he does. But Mom doesn’t need to know that. “I love you.”

“I love you too, dear.”

The screen goes dark. I sit my phone beside my pastry plate, tearing into the flaky treat with my fingers before it cools off fully, the dark chocolate pairing perfectly with the bitter espresso on my tongue.

Mom didn’t exactly say that she was going to come to the wedding, but she didn’t explicitly say she wouldn’t either. It’s a better response than I expected, and it gives me hope that at least one of our parents will attend. If neither of them come… well, it will be a long time before Andries forgives them. Our family can hold grudges for a long, long time.

Please come through, Mom,I think desperately,I really need you to show.

As if he could sense that I was talking about him, the silhouette of my brother appears in the terrace doorway, shuffling out into the daylight like a zombie, and groaning like one too. Right behind him, with a steadying hand between his shoulder blades, is Roxanne with a bemused look on her face. Andries is wearing sweatpants and a wrinkled t-shirt with an enormous pair of women’s sunglasses on his face which I recognize as Roxanne’s.

“Well if it isn’t the man of the hour!” Dan hollers from the pool, clapping his hands while everyone else whistles and cheers. “Welcome back to the land of the living, my friend!”

Andries gives Dan the middle finger, causing everyone else to erupt in laughter. My brother falls heavily into the chair across from me, immediately folding his arms in front of him on the table and pillowing his head on them. Roxie sits next to him, waving the server over and ordering a spread of bland food for my hungover brother to attempt to keep down, as well as an entire carafe of French roast coffee.

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