Page 108 of Dan.

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“I’m sure you all know our darling Elise’s boyfriend, but if not, this is Dan O’Brian,” my grandmother says smoothly, gesturing towards Dan, who separates from me to shake everyone’s hands. I take the opportunity to look over the faces in front of me, wondering who I will be spending most of my time with over the next two days. Seeing Yara, my favorite aunt and famous equestrian, I exhale a relieved breath. Once Dan takes off to be with Andries, she’s who I’m going to gravitate towards.

Before I can go speak to Yara personally, though, my Uncle Alex’s wife, Petra, approaches me first, giving me hesitant air cheek kisses in greeting. I always seem to forget that she’s American, and how young she is. Young and stunning, I think, as the naturally beautiful woman steps back and smiles at me cautiously. She doesn’t have the best history with everyone in the family, but there is nothing negative between the two of us, for which I’m thankful. I don’t think I can deal with a single ounce more drama.

“You look lovely, Elise,” Petra compliments with a bright, white smile. “Are you excited about your brother’s wedding?”

“Excited and relieved,” I admit, letting out a sigh. “How are the twins?”

I see Yara scowl at Petra out of the corner of my eye, but Dan and Uncle Alex are engaged in conversation now, so I keep his wife occupied nonetheless, asking to see pictures of her adorable children and talking about their trip over from New York. I know when my Aunt Yara has had enough and is ready to talk to me herself because I see a flash of anxiety on Petra’s face right before Yara appears beside me and takes my arm in hers to lead me away––but not before she flashes a predatory smile towards Petra.

“I still don’t really know why you hate her,” I comment as Yara and I walk along the perimeter of the garden, away from everyone else.

“She’s a little brat, and that annoys me,” Yara says offhandedly, and I roll my eyes, laughing.

“If you say so. So what did you need me for?”

“I see you’re dating your brother’s best friend. I’m assuming your parents approve of that match?” she asks, raising her eyebrows.

“Everyone loves Dan,” I assure her. “But I’m also my own person, so I’m not looking for a parental approved love match, or whatever they want to call arranged marriages these days. It just so happens that my parents adore Dan too, so it’s a win-win.”

“Hmm,” she hums, her dark brown eyes scanning my face attentively. “Love, huh? You’re so young, El. Just don’t shackle yourself down until you're sure.”

“I know that. Don’t worry.” I brush her arm affectionately, knowing that she means well.

The conversation migrates to horses and the tournaments Yara has been in recently, and once we’ve completed our circuit of the party to talk privately, we’re back with the rest of the family. I speak briefly with my Aunt Maud before finding Dan once more, and we excuse ourselves to talk to Roxanne’s family next.

Further into the gardens, we come across Yao, Lili, and Robin. Dan and Robin greet each other with a lively embrace, patting each other on the back while Lili and I laugh at their antics.

“You’d think they hadn’t seen each other in years,” Lili comments. “As if we weren’t together for over a week just a little bit ago.”

“I think Dan is just desperate for male companionship,” I tell her with a chuckle, plucking two glasses of champagne from the tray of a passing server and handing one to Lili. “I haven’t seen Roxie or Andries yet, have you?”

She shakes her head. “From what I understand Roxie is taking some time to collect herself. Everything is happening so fast, with the charges being pressed and then just as quickly dropped, and now the wedding… her head is spinning, I think.”

I wince in sympathy. For as difficult as everything is for me right now, Roxanne has it ten times worst. “Poor thing. I hope she knows that everyone here accepts her openly. We have plenty of drama in the family organically, so there is zero judgment from this group.”

Lili blows out a breath before taking a sip of her champagne. “I don’t know how all of you do it. I’d be a nervous wreck all the time.”

“We are nervous wrecks,” I admit, amused. “We’re just really, really good at hiding it.”

Next to Robin, I see Dan still, looking to the left of us with a hardened expression. I follow his gaze and feel like sinking into the ground when I see that it’s Johan who has caught Dan’s eye. He’s heading in our direction with a determined look in his eye, and I can feel Dan tense up beside me as he gets closer.

“Of course, this fucking guy had to show up,” Dan mutters, but when Johan reaches us, he pastes on a stiff, fake smile and shakes his hand nonetheless.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite sailing student,” Johan tries to joke, but Dan isn’t having it, and Johan’s face falls before he turns to me instead. “Elise, is Hannah going to be at the wedding tomorrow?”

I take a deep breath and try to keep my cool. Talking about Hannah means talking about Dad, and I’ve managed to avoid that subject thus far, but I guess I have to answer him honestly. Maybe Johan can be convinced to help me with my family one more time.

“I don't know,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “As of right now, she’s with Dad, who is still being an asshole and refusing to show up. Maybe you should call Hannah and try to persuade her to come to the wedding. You and I both know she’ll listen to you before she will listen to me.”

Dan looks at the other man strangely but doesn’t say anything. Manipulating Hannah by using her crush on Johan might not be the most responsible course of action, but time is swiftly running out, and I need to use whatever advantages I have.

Johan, to his credit, also looks a bit uncomfortable. “I, ah, I guess I could––”

“Cut it out, Johan, I’m sure you have her number. I don’t care about all of that, just please try to get her to come. It would be great to have the whole family together for my brother’s special day.”

“Okay, yeah. I can do that.” Johan looks between Dan and me, his shoulders falling in defeat. “I guess I’ll go and make that call, then.”

I can see the tension between Dan and Johan as they exchange a look before Johan turns on his foot and leaves. There's a palpable animosity between them, and I can't help but feel a little nervous about what might happen. But I try to keep a smile on my face and hope for the best, at least until my ex is out of sight.

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