Page 107 of Dan.

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Shock ripples through me. “W-what? Really?”

Mom swallows hard. “Yes, unfortunately. I’m not going to take second place behind his company or have to fight for his loyalty. His own dad once chose his company over his family and now Sebastian is repeating his mistakes.” She gives a sad shake of her head. “I can't keep living like this. He doesn't understand how much he's hurting us all… or he does, and he doesn’t care.”

“I…” I inhale slowly, trying to slow my pounding pulse. “I don’t know what to say, Mom, but just know I’m on your side, okay?”

“Thank you, dear,” she says, leaning into me. “It means so much to have you here for me.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes, both lost in our own thoughts, before she finally stands up, straightens her dress, and turns to me with a small smile. “Enough with the sad things. How are you and Dan? I saw you two arrive together outside the window. In the same car, too, I noticed.”

I blush, but realize there is no reason to lie to my mother at this point. She knows we are together after all. “Yes… Dad and I got into a huge fight at work, so I’ve been staying with Dan for the last few days. It’s just been easier since we’ve both been helping so much with the wedding preparation.”

“I hate knowing that your father’s foolishness extends to you, too, but I’m glad Dan gave you a sanctuary when you needed it.” Mom sighs, but this time it sounds wistful. Almost happy. “I must confess, I wasn’t sure about the two of you at first, but now I’m over the moon about it. Dan is such a breath of fresh air compared to all these stuffy, prideful old money men. Plus he seems totally smitten with you. Someone like Dan is exactly who you need in your life.”

I offer her a small smile. “I think so, too. He’s amazing, Mom, seriously. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get myself together and realize that all on my own.”

“Speaking of getting things together… I guess it’s time for me to make my appearance, hm? Let's go enjoy the party, shall we?” she says, trying to put on a brave face. Despite her ring-rimmed eyes, she looks beautiful and regal in her mauve dress with her hair loose. My dad is such an idiot if he lets Mom walk away from him after all they’ve been through!

“I’ll meet you out there, Mom,” I tell her, kissing her on the cheek quickly. “I need to make a phone call beforehand. Will you be okay on your own?”

She waves her hands dismissively, even though I know she isn’t as strong as she usually is. “Yes, of course. I’m a grown woman, El, I’ll be just fine.”

I nod, but once I’m out of the room, I grab one of the passing staff members and tell them to send Oma to Mom’s room to escort her down since I won’t be able to. I just know that she will be more comfortable with someone by her side, and who better to offer comfort than her own mother?

The problem Mom is running into is that everyone here was also at the engagement party and therefore noticed her absence. I hope everyone will have enough tact not to mention it, and just be happy that she changed her mind and went against her husband to be here for her son, but there are always vipers dressed like humans at social events like this. I’ll try my best to make sure Mom makes it out unscathed since she did us all an enormous favor talking to the prosecutor, not to mention her attending the party tonight.

As I make my way back to Dan and I’s bedroom, I pull my phone out of my clutch so I can make the call I mentioned to Mom. I’m not sure how well it will work, considering the fact that Hannah and I are sort of at odds right now, but I dial my sister’s number anyway and leave a voicemail. “Hannah, Dad won't talk to me. Please, try to convince him to put aside his pride and join us tomorrow. The wedding starts at 2 pm. Please make it happen. Mom is seriously considering a divorce.” I pause, collecting my thoughts. “I know that you’re annoyed with me or whatever, but this is beyond important. Since Dad basically hates me you’re my best shot at shaking him out of this horrible mindset he’s forced himself into. Good luck.”

I hang up the phone and take a deep breath, feeling a sense of foreboding. I know that the road ahead won’t be easy, but I'm determined to do whatever it takes to heal our family and help them find their way back to each other.

Once I’m back in the bedroom, I sit at the vanity to touch up my makeup before we head down to the party that I can already hear outside. Dan enters the room shortly after I do, leaning down to kiss the top of my head, but when he catches a look at my reflection in the mirror, he pauses. I can immediately see the concern etched on his face, as if he can sense that something is up.

“What’s wrong?”

I take a deep breath, gathering the courage to share my fears. It’s one thing to be strong and try to fix my family’s issues, but another thing altogether to be vulnerable and speak my fears out loud. “It’s Mom,” I blurt out, my voice quivering. “She’s considering getting a divorce. I never thought this would happen. They've been married for so long and have six children together, for God’s sake! I always thought they were the epitome of true love or something cliché like that. I can’t even imagine one without the other.”

Dan pulls me to my feet and into his warm embrace, holding me close as I struggle with my emotions. I can feel his muscular arms wrapped around me, providing the support I so desperately need. I lean back, looking into his eyes, and I can see the love and compassion shining through. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his gaze always fixed on me. “I’m sorry. El, I’ll never be like your dad. I'll always choose you over and over again. I’ll always put you first.”

I look up at him, feeling so much of the anxiety building inside me melting away. Dan just makes me believe that I’m safe above all else, and that’s something I cherish. “Thank you for being my best friend and my boyfriend all at once.” I wrap my arms around his neck, my eyes locked on his. “I love you, Dan.”

“I love you too, El,” Dan says, kissing me gently on the forehead, humming in pleasure. “Fuck, I will never get tired of hearing you say that. Can I hear it one more time?”

I giggle. “Fine. I love you, Dan.”

He gives me a quick peck on my mouth, nipping at my bottom lip playfully. “Perfect. Now, let’s go to the dinner party. Your family is waiting for us.”

We walk out of the room and into the beautiful garden where the dining party is being held, arm in arm. As soon as we’re entrenched in the event itself, it’s almost impossible to still feel so downtrodden. It’s absolutely exquisite out here, but I shouldn’t be surprised––Oma Margaret has impeccable taste, and there was never any doubt that she would pull out all the stops for her first grandchild's wedding. Family members are gathered around, chatting and laughing, and I can feel the love and joy in the air. My worries are falling away with each step we take. Dan takes his arm from mine and instead laces our fingers together as we stroll, taking in the sights and sounds of the celebration.

The party is held in the lush gardens of Oma’s grand mansion, causing the air to be filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers and the sounds of live music from the saxophonist in the band. String lights are strung through the trees, along with torches around the perimeter.

The atmosphere is lively and festive, with guests mingling as they enjoy the delicious food and drinks. Everything edible has a distinct Eastern flair to honor Roxanne’s heritage, just another marker of how much Andries adores his bride.

Finally, I see the small cluster of family members, but my mother is suspiciously missing. “I guess it’s time to go and make appearances,” I tell Dan, who squeezes my hand in response.

“I don’t think you have much to worry about tonight. No one is going to ruin the mood by asking about Sebastian.”

I squeeze Dan’s hand back, taking a deep breath and putting on a happy face as we join my family where they are gathered under one of the fruit trees.

As Dan and I arrive, we are greeted by everyone all at once. Oma steps aside to let us into the gathering circle, and it becomes readily apparent that Dan is the most interesting person that they’ve encountered all night. It hits me that almost no one knows he and I are a couple, and while most of them have met Dan at family events, since he and Andries were basically inseparable as we were growing up, seeing him as my partner must be quite the shock.

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