Page 101 of Dan.

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Now that I’ve made up my mind to have a heart to heart with Elise, I finally feel a sense of peace. My thoughts are no longer so completely consumed by her and I’m able to enjoy my spa day for once.

My Dad and I sit by the edge of the thermal pool once the heat becomes too much, discussing what services we should book to close out the day. “I think I might get a massage,” he says.

“A massage sounds great,” I agree. “But I was thinking of trying the hot stone therapy. I heard it’s amazing.”

“Hot stone therapy? I don’t know, son. That sounds a bit too fancy for me.”

I playfully punch his arm. “Come on, Pops. Live a little. It's our self-care day after all.”

He chuckles. “Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me. Let's do the hot stone therapy.”

We spend the rest of the afternoon indulging in different spa services, joking and relaxing. For once, I’m able to let go of my worries and just enjoy the moment. But as the day draws to a close, I know I have to face reality. I have to have that talk with Elise. But for now, I'll just enjoy this time with my dad and the peace that comes with it.



I stepout into the cool and misty morning, surrounded by the rolling hills and lush greenery of the countryside outside of the family estate. The air is fresh and crisp, and I take a deep breath, savoring the scent of the earth and the trees.

The sun is just starting to rise, casting a warm and golden glow over the landscape, and I can see tendrils of mist beginning to lift from the fields and distant lakes and ponds where we will be hunting. Despite the uncertainty that still hangs over the oncoming day, I am struck by the serenity of the scene. The only sounds are the soft rustling of the leaves in the trees and the occasional bird call in the distance. The world feels hushed and still, as if it’s waiting for something to happen.

The mist continues to lift, revealing more and more of the landscape, and I can see the fields stretching out before me, dotted with trees. The sun is shining brighter now, and I feel a sense of anticipation.

Then, it’s all broken when my father steps out of the house behind me, his rifle slung over his shoulder and his mouth pulled down in annoyance.

“He’s still not here?”

“I’m sure Dan will be here any minute,” I assure him. “Let’s just wait a little longer.”

Dad checks his watch and shakes his head. “A few more minutes, El, and then we have to go. I’m not going to waste prime hunting time on your late boyfriend.”

I scowl, but turn my head so he doesn’t see. During mornings like these I feel a sense of connection to this place, to the earth and the sky, and to all the life that surrounds me, but Dad is really ruining it with his grumpy attitude.

Well, his attitude, and Dan’s lack of appearance.

As time passes, Dad is growing more and more impatient, urging me to go without Dan, but I can’t bear the thought of hunting without him. And just as we were about to give up hope, Dan’s car appears, parking in the roundabout.

As I watch Dan’s car pull up at the gates, my heart beats faster with anticipation. He’s finally here, after what feels like an eternity of texting him nonstop over the weekend. Just the thought of seeing him makes me feel emotional. I’ve missed him so,so much.

I keep my cool as Dan gets out of his car and my dad greets him with enthusiastic joy, displaying no sign of how annoyed he had been about the younger man’s late arrival. Dan apologizes for the traffic jam that held him up, and all is forgiven between the two men. Apparently having a buffer between himself and his daughter, who he has been borderline cruel to lately is cause for celebration, but whatever… there’s no way he’s as excited to see Dan as I am.

While they speak, Dan unloads his things. I can't help but be impressed by the amount of gear he’s brought, but I keep my observations to myself. Inside, I’m almost beside myself with the desire to throw myself into his arms and kiss him, but I’m not going to humiliate myself in front of both Dan and my father. I need to get my boyfriend alone so he and I can break this much too long silence between us.

When Dan pulls out a long, clean rifle, and checks it over, my father nods approvingly. “Glad to see you’ve got some quality tools, Dan. I had put aside some gear for you, but it's nice to see you've got your own,” he says with a smile.

Normally, this sort of interaction between the two of them would thrill me, but today… it’s different. When I look at Dan, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He seems to be focusing all his attention on my father, completely ignoring me. I can’t help but feel hurt and left out, but at least he’s here now, and it isn’t like him ignoring me is a surprise. He’s been doing it for two weeks.

With everyone ready, Dad has the kennel-master bring out his two favorite dogs––a pair of German Shorthair Pointers named Bram and Toby. The dogs take the lead through the dense foliage of the woods, I can feel the early morning mist settle on my skin, the air cool and damp. The dogs trot ahead of us, their noses to the ground, their tails wagging with excitement.

“We’ve got a lake on the property where Elise and I always have luck hunting mallards,” Dad explains to Dan. “It’s a bit of a walk, but worth it in my opinion.”

The woods are quiet, except for the occasional chirp of a bird or rustle of leaves underfoot. The trees are tall and thick, their branches forming a canopy above that blocks out most of the sunlight. But even in the dimness, I can see Dan clearly, his fit body outlined so well by his hunting attire that it makes me feel flushed. It really has been too long since we’ve been alone, and now that I know what his body can do, it’s difficult to keep the steamy thoughts of what I want to do to him at bay. I swallow to relieve my dry mouth, and try to shake off the cloak of mixed emotions that almost drown me. Love, lust, excitement, and a burning need to fix things between Dan and I are all making it complicated to concentrate on the hunt at all.

When the dogs start to quiver excitedly, their noses picking up the scent of the ducks in the distance, my father picks up the pace to walk beside them. I can hear the distant quack of the mallards, and I know we’re getting close, but I don’t rush forward. Instead, I hang back, finally having Dan alone, even if it is just for a few minutes.

I’ve already resolved to have a heart to heart with Dan, and there is no better time than now to begin.

Walking through the forest, I manage to fall in step beside Dan. My dad is now quite a bit ahead, so I take the opportunity to lean in towards Dan and thank him for coming.

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