Page 9 of Brave

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“Some…some alphas don’t like shy littles.” Or shy omegas. Or ones that got overwhelmed at stupid times and hid.

“I know.” Austin shrugged. “It’s crazy but it happens.”

Austin knew everything, so I wasn’t surprised that he knew some alphas were…frustrating. But that meant he also knew things about Papa Ansel. “However, I’ve seen Ansel downstairs talking to the other subs and he hasn’t met any loud ones that he likes. He even thinks I’m dramatic and high-maintenance. Can you believe that?”

Hmm, Papa Ansel really did know Austin?

“No, he’s so silly.”

My answer made Austin happy and I could hear his smile. “I agree but there’s no accounting for taste. However, I think it means he would like a sweet little to watch over and play with. And he’s very big. Did you notice that?”

Giggling, I nodded. “He’sverybig.”

Austin dropped his voice and made me listen hard. “I’ve heard…and this is just a rumor…but I’ve heard he’s got a tattoo.”


The giggle slipped out before I could stop it.

“I know. He’d look lovely all nice and decorated. But I don’t know for sure.” Austin sounded like I should believe him, but he always knew everything, so he was probably just being silly and pretending.

“What…what if he always wants me to be shy all the time?” Some alphas were weird.

“Okay, that’s a legitimate question.” Austin made thinking sounds. “What else do we need to know to make a good decision here?”

Ugh, he was back to asking reasonable questions.

“Um, if he thinks I’m cute? Does me beinglittlelittle sometimes scare him? Do…do I ever have to be a grown-up sub at the club? I don’t think I could do that.” It wasn’t public but it wasalmostpublic and that was…nope. I couldn’t do that.

Everyone would be looking at me.

“I think that gives me a very good place to start. Now, I can tell you that he already said you were very cute, and when I came in, he looked sad that he couldn’t hug you and make you feel better.” Austin gave me another hug since Papa Ansel hadn’t been able to before. “Is it okay if I tell Ansel a tiny bit about why you were nervous when I ask him the questions?”

Oh, that was…

“Austin? Can you…you tell him everything so I don’t have to?” Yes, that was a much better plan even if I had to hear him tell the story. Hearing was less bad than telling.

I could plug my ears and I could hum and I could—

“Yes, cutie. I’ll handle everything. Don’t worry.”

That was much better.

I didn’t know why more people didn’t want him to control their life.

He was very good at it.

“Thank you, Austin.”

Chapter 3


I’d never met anyone who was grateful to let Austin barrel over them and fix their life. I couldn’t decide if it was sweet or scary, but it gave me a lot to think about when it came to the painfully shy sub.

If I lived long enough to have that mental debate.
