Page 77 of Brave

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Daddy gave me another big hug, probably because Austin made him nervous. My protector was either smiling or looking very serious, and I knew it would make Daddy worry.

Yep, he kissed my head again.

Wanting Daddy to feel better, I petted his leg and then climbed out of my fort. I made sure to take the blanket with me, though, and kept hiding under it as I wiggled my way up on Daddy’s lap. His chest jerked but he didn’t laugh out loud.

He hugged me tight and kept me wrapped up nice and safe as he kissed my head and whispered again. “Brave boy.”

Only because I had my Daddy and my Austin, so I gave Daddy’s chest a pat and made him chuckle.

As I snuggled against him, the conversation around us started up again and Dakota spoke up, making Daddy laugh. “Do you think some skin on the body is too thin to use those markers on safely?”

Laughter and groans went around the group and I had to giggle. He was talking about Daddy’s penis. They were so funny but I was glad I was hiding because Austin started being helpful.

Yep, I was going to stay right under my blanket where I was safe in Daddy’s arms.

Chapter 21


If he could’ve kept the blanket over his head for the whole ride home, he would have. Only the fear of someone making him explain why he was a walking, talking blanket fort prevented it. But that just meant I got to wrap him up in my arms and carry him in from the garage. “Let’s see if we can make a Daddy fort.”

That made him giggle and I could feel his stress easing out as he snuggled into me. “I was brave, Daddy.”

And confident about it too.

Kissing his head as I headed inside with my monkey and his diaper bag, I had to agree. “You were wonderfully brave. You colored and relaxed around everyone. You made me look pretty and didn’t get scared when the other subs were fascinated by the markers. You didn’t run away when something scared you, and you made sure I knew to explain to Austin what happened. Amazing.”

And probably exhausting.

“Austin had to know.” Charlie’s words were quiet but not as nervous as they could’ve been. “He makes her stay away. She wanted me to take over the…the organization, but I just kept getting more and more upset.”

I had a feeling there were layers of questions we’d need to get through for me to understand what had happened but I didn’t think it was the time to relive any of that. “I can understand it all building up. I bet you were trying your best.”

He nodded against me but seemed to be trying to wiggle even closer to me. “Yeah, but it didn’t help. She kept getting angry that I wasn’t confident enough. Being loud just isn’t me.”

Neither was talking people into joining a cult.

“But Austin made sure you understood that there wasn’t just one way to be an omega, right?” That earned me another nod and a giggle.

“He used naughtier words than my therapist did.”

That didn’t surprise me.

“That’s because he’s colorful…like your crayons.” That comparison made him giggle as I headed into the bedroom and set the bag down on my nightstand.

“And my markers, Daddy.” Letting out a happy sigh, his wiggles that time seemed more out of excitement than nerves. “Everyone liked my markers. They said naughty things about them too. Dakota wants to color a penis.”

That had laughter pouring out of both of us as I finally sat down on the bed, pulling the thin blanket over us like I was the pole that was holding up the tent. “I’m not even going to try to guess what he was thinking.”

Charlie was still giggling as he curled up on my lap, seeming to be perfectly content now that we’d protected ourselves from reality. “He’s very naughty.”

I had to agree but it was time to distract my boy, so I tickled his ribs to make him laugh. “So is my boy. I heard you giggling when that naughty omega was talking about coloring penises.”

That got more laughter bubbling out of him. “No, Daddy. I’m your good boy.”

“Are you sure?” He wasn’t little. It seemed more like he was hiding from everything else around us, so I kissed his shoulder and subtly shifted the way I was stroking his back. “Good boys probably don’t need grown-up kisses or to get naked with their Daddies or to—”

“I’m nottoogood.” The words popped out before I could finish teasing him and I barely held back my laughter. “I like kisses.”
