Page 25 of Brave

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I had a feeling my boy could use a few reminders that he belonged to me to keep him in the right headspace, so I didn’t dawdle as I went around to the other side of the car. He was trying not to pout as I leaned in and reached for his seat belt, but he failed once Iaccidentallyran my hand right above his erection as I released the seat belt. “There we go.”

I couldn’t help imagining how it would be different if he’d been little and excited to go play inside, but I liked this side of him too. He was much more dramatic than I’d expected. It seemed that keeping him frustrated and distracted would go a long way toward working through his shyness.

“You were so good.” The area the club was in was private enough that I caressed his cheek without looking around but I was careful not to let things go any further than that. “You kept your eyes closed and you made the sweetest sounds.”

Charlie couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to blush or demand I touch his dick, but he finally settled on another pout and sighed. “Thank you, Master.”

Oh, the attitude was adorable.

And I still needed to completely ignore it so I didn’t reinforce the bad behavior.

“You’re welcome.” Squeezing his hand, I locked the car and led us toward the nondescript warehouse that no one would ever think held the best BDSM club ever designed. “You were so good. I know you liked your reward.”

Keeping him slightly disgruntled seemed to be the best way to shift us from date mode to naughty sub mode, but every sigh just made me want to laugh. “Thank you, Master.”

So cute.

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” The lighthearted tone seemed to make him even more frustrated, but I had a feeling we confused the guy who worked at the front desk because he didn’t seem to know if he should glare at me or not as he let us in.

Asking about a private room didn’t help the situation any either. He kept glancing back and forth between us as he studied the old-fashioned planner that was just blocks of colors and random numbers and letters that seemed to mean something to him.

I knew it was to keep things as discreet as possible, but the man had to have an incredible memory under that glare. “Alright, that will be your room for the next hour.”

Just as he started to say something else, Austin popped out of the main door like a bad clown toy. “Do—”

The unhappy front desk guy froze, then sighed as Austin glared at me, clearly relieved that he’d gotten backup. “Charlie’s frowning.”

It was clearly ado something or elsekind of statement that Austin took in stride. “I will get to the bottom of this.”

Good grief.

“Shit.” Charlie’s muttered curse as he inched closer had me finally laughing. “Daddy?”

Shaking my head, I squeezed his hand. “Oh no, you got us into this by pouting.”

Austin couldn’t seem to decide if I needed to be killed or not, but his ire faded as Charlie looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “How did this happen?”

“Your protector takes his job a little too seriously? Oh, and you pout really well.” I wasn’t worried. It would be too messy to kill me in the front foyer and I was big enough that he’d need Silas to hide my body. I would be safe as long as we didn’t move to a secondary location. I’d read enough crime novels to know never to go with crazy people, no matter what they said.

“There is no such thing as taking my job too seriously.” Austin’s offended tone had me rolling my eyes but Charlie melted.

“Thank you, Austin.” He let go of my hand before dashing over to his savior, snuggling into him, and getting smothered by cuddles. “But I’m fine.”

Just sexually frustrated.

But I kept that thought to myself as Austin hugged him tight and Charlie started whispering in his dramatic protector’s ear.

I was grateful he didn’t require prompting to explain what the problem was, but I was more than a little pissed to have our scene completely derailed. He’d been so cute and needy that he’d completely forgotten to be worried or shy.

He hadn’t even been worried about what I’d do when he was dramatic.

That took trust.

And those two nuts completely got us off track.

Okay, we could come back from this.

