Page 22 of Bratva Baby

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I’m such an idiot.

As I lie next to him again, the scent of his cologne sends a wave of confused longing through me just as it had the night before.

Something about his strength and aggression has lit something inside of me that I wish I could put out. I don’t want to be dealing with this strange and inappropriate combination of feelings while I attempt to plan my escape.

His hand is still wrapped around my wrist, but he releases his grip somewhat as he falls back into a drowsy coma. His fingers lightly brush against the inside of my forearm, and the waves of warmth and desire begin to swell in me again despite my best efforts to extinguish them.

Perhaps acting outside of my best judgment, I move nearer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my waist against his.

The familiar sensation of his hard dick twitching against me makes my cheeks flush bright red. I hadn’t been able to get a good look at his bulge before, but now I can feel that he’s at least two inches around and somewhere between eight and ten inches long.

I’m nearly sick with lust at this point, begging myself to reconsider as I wrap my leg around his.

Just when I’m certain he’s going to reciprocate, he pulls away from me.



“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I snap, finally drawing myself out of the deep sleep I was rudely awakened from by Vera’s prying hands.

She freezes at first, then sits up straight as she prepares herself for a confrontation. “What do you mean? I was just following your lead!” she protests.

I can see the fire in her eyes from the night before, taking over her sweet face and challenging me once again. I’ve only been awake for three minutes and she’s already giving me problems.

I sit up to meet her gaze, refusing to let her look down at me for even a second. “You’re trying to seduce me to keep me from suspecting you. Do you think I’m a fucking idiot?”

She acts betrayed by my accusation as if I have any reason to believe otherwise. “What the hell? No! If I thought that seducing you was going to get me anywhere, I would’ve tried it long before now.”

At first, I’m annoyed that she’s being so evasive. How can she pretend that her intentwasn’tto get on my good side? Trying to fuck me is the fastest way for her to find favor in my eyes, at least in her mind. There’s no way she’s coming on to me just because she wants me.

There has to be an ulterior motive. If there isn’t, she’s stupid as hell.

“I’m not falling for your tricks, and I’m certainly not going to have sex with you,” I say sharply.

“I’m not trying to have sex, and I’m not playing any tricks,” she replies, getting up onto her feet to find yet another vantage point above me.

I stand up as well, showing her just how small she is compared to me. She can keep looking for ways to appear bigger than she is, but she’ll never be six foot five. I think she barely breaks five feet, but she’s like a kitten raised by wolves – no idea what her true size is.

She’s going to fight me until she wins or I show her that she never will.

“Yeah? You really don’t think that trying to get me to fuck you might get you some points with me? Don’t be naive please. You got into college on a scholarship, right? You’re smarter than that,” I say, scoffing at her.

Her eyes grow larger for a moment as though she knows she’s been caught in a lie, but she chooses to double down. “It would be a really bad look for you to try and have sex with me while you’re holding me captive,” she says.

I can’t help but laugh in her face. “Really? You’re being held captive here? I didn’t even tie you up before going to sleep last night. You’re free to go wherever you want,” I say, gesturing over to the door that lies between us and the unforgiving sprawl of the country.

She’s growing frustrated now, especially at my refusal to see her point. I’m not going to let her act like she has no idea how powerful her sexuality is.

Even if she’s not very popular at school, it’s no secret that she’s attractive. She has a perfectly proportioned face, a small nose, and big, watery blue eyes. I’ve always hate it when attractive women pretend to be outcasts for being hot, but it’s worse when they pretend they don’t know they are to begin with.

“Alright, well even if you’re not trying to get something out of me, you still can’t deny that you’re trying to get me to fuck you,” I say. “It’s not like you were touching my stomach for no reason before you reached for my keys.”

Her cheeks flush, and she grows flustered before attempting to reign in her emotions.

“What? I wasn’t doing that to turn you on,” she replies angrily, crossing her arms and making herself even smaller as her lies catch up with her.

“Well that’s interesting, because itdidturn me on a lot. I know you noticed how hard I got when you were trying to crawl on top of me just now, and you didn’t object until I shoved you off.”
