Page 135 of Skyla

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Laughing, I looked down at him. “I don’t know if that’s a desperate deathbed plea, or the biggest lie you’ve ever told. But I can’t lie anymore, so let me tell you the truth: I dreaded every time you came to the club. All of us did. We knew what a piece of shit you were then, and nothing has changed. Too late to take that back.

“What was it you called me earlier?” I raised an eyebrow and looked at Silver. “An immortal slut?”

Silver’s growl tore through the air, and he pulled Fang’s head back so hard I thought his neck might snap.

Rage and poison filled Fang’s eyes. “Looks like I was right,” he spat. “Spreading your legs for five fae likeSkyla the whore.”

There was no point in asking him how many men he would have let use me. Instead, I tilted my head. “You’re right. I do. Gladly. Over and over, letting them fuck me in ways you could onlydreamof doing. But you got my name wrong.” Putting one hand on his shoulder, I looked him dead in the eyes. “I am the Queen of Shadows, and you will call meYour Majesty.”

I took the knife and plunged it straight into his throat.





My cock was so fucking hard.

Watching Skyla declare herself the queen of our Court and seal it with blood?

I was pissed all the buildings were gone because I couldn’t drag her away and fuck her against the wall. Hell, I’d fuck her right here on the asphalt. That was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

Fang’s body slumped down to the ground, and utter silence reigned.

Silver waved a hand, power running through the bodies on the ground. They disintegrated into nothing, dust floating on the wind. When the police investigated, there would be nothing for them to find.

“Bring them,” he said.

The few Legion members who surrendered were dragged forward and put on their knees where Silver stood with Skyla at his side. Eight of them.

He held out his hand and Comet returned his gun. He cocked it, holding it low and ready. “You will vow never to set foot in Iron Shadows territory again,” he said softly. “You will never harm us, directly or indirectly. You will not mention our name. You will not speak of us at all, or about what happened here today. My power will bind the vow, and if you break it, Iwillfind you. Say you swear to it.”

Starting at the end of the line, he looked down at the man, who looked at him with violent eyes. “I’ll never swear that to you.”

Silver put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. His body disintegrated before it even had a chance to hit the ground. “Wrong answer. Try again,” he said to the next in line.

“I swear,” the man said in a shaky voice. None of the others had a problem swearing the vow andrunningwhen they were released. I smelled the stench of urine in the air. Fuckers had pissed themselves.

The urge to haul Skyla into my arms became overwhelming.

I held myself still, waiting for what came next.

“Back to the compound,” Silver said, then looked at the four of us and Skyla. “It’s done. And we have some things to take care of.”

Before she could move, I picked Skyla up and threw her over my shoulder. “You’re riding with me.”

“Wait, Delta,” she gasped. “I—”

I set her down and helped her onto the bike before taking her face in my hands. “Watching you do that has me hard enough to break steel with my dick alone. So you’re either riding with me to take the edge off, or I’m taking my cock out and fucking you while you’re bent over the bike. You pick.” My entire being hoped she picked the fucking.

Skyla’s cheeks turned a gorgeous shade of pink, and her new eyes glowed with desire. “Let’s go home.”


I liked the sound of that.

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