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"She's just really cool, you know? And she's nice to me, even though I'm just a kid. I think she's pretty and smart and funny. I don't know, I just really like her," Mark said, shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled, feeling a bit touched by Mark's admission. "Well, I think Becca is pretty great too. But you know, sometimes it's hard to tell if you really like someone when you're just getting to know them. It's important to take your time and make sure your feelings are real before you act on them."

Mark nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But can we invite her over some time? I want to hang out with her more."

I grinned. "Sure thing, buddy. We can definitely invite her over. And who knows, maybe you'll get to know her even better and figure out if you really like her or not."

Mark smiled, feeling a bit better. "Thanks, Dad, You're the best."

Hunter ruffled Mark's hair affectionately. "No problem, buddy. Now get some sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow." As I left the room, I couldn't help but think about how much Mark loved Becca. Maybe it was time to let go of my past grudges and open up to the people around him.

With a renewed sense of hope, I fell asleep that night, looking forward to what the future might hold.

Becca's Cafe

A few weeks later, Becca opened up a cafe in town, and Hunter decided to pay her a visit on opening day. He arrived to find a bustling crowd, with people of all ages sitting at the tables, chatting, and enjoying the food and drinks.

Becca greeted him warmly, and he felt a flicker of excitement as he looked around. This was a new beginning for her, and he was happy to see her succeed. But as they talked, he realized that their old animosity had not disappeared entirely. They fell into their old patterns of bickering and snipping at each other, and Hunter felt frustrated and confused.

After he left the cafe, he ran into Natalie, one of Becca's friends. Natalie had always been a bit of a wild card, but Hunter had a soft spot for her. She had a way of cutting through the bullshit and getting to the heart of things.

"You and Becca, huh?" Natalie said, with a sly grin.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked, feeling defensive.

"I mean, you guys have some kind of history, right? I can see it in the way you look at each other."

Hunter shrugged. "We grew up together. That's all."

Natalie raised an eyebrow. "Sure, that's all. Look, I'm not one to judge, but if you're thinking about pursuing something with her, you might want to think twice."

"Why's that?"

"Because you're not exactly in the best headspace right now, Hunter. You just lost your wife, and you've got a kid to take care of. Do you really want to get involved with someone right now?"

Hunter felt a wave of defensiveness rise in him, but he knew Natalie had a point. He was still grieving, and he had to focus on Mark's well-being above everything else. But he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards Becca. He knew he had to be careful.

As the days went on, Hunter found himself drawn to Becca's cafe more and more. He liked the atmosphere and the people, and he admired Becca's hard work and determination. But he also felt a nagging sense of guilt. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was betraying his wife's memory by feeling this way.

One day, he decided to talk to his therapist about it. Dr. Peters was a kind and understanding woman who had been helping him through his grief. Hunter poured out his heart to her, explaining his conflicted feelings towards Becca and his fear of moving on.

Dr. Peters listened patiently, and then said, "Hunter, it's natural to feel conflicted about moving on after a loss. But you can't let guilt control your life. You're allowed to find happiness again, and you're allowed to honor your wife's memory in your own way."

Hunter thought about her words long after the session was over. He knew she was right, but it was easier said than done. He still felt a sense of disloyalty towards his wife, and he didn't know if he was ready to take that step towards Becca.

Meanwhile, Becca was busy running her cafe and trying to keep her head above water. She had her own demons to fight, and she didn't need the complication of Hunter's feelings to make things even more complicated. But try as she might, she couldn't help the way she felt when she was around him. She found herself thinking about him more and more, wondering what it would be like to be with him again.

As time went on, Hunter and Becca's paths continued to cross. They saw each other at the cafe, at local events, and at mutual friends' gatherings. Hunter found himself enjoying her company more and more, and he began to wonder if he was ready to take that next step.

But there was still that nagging feeling of guilt. He knew he needed to make peace with his past before he could move forward.

Becca’s POV

“Sit down, Becca, it’s going to be fine,” Natalie said.

I released a loud sigh and sat, then I sprang up and paced again.

“The breadsticks haven’t arrived, I can’t relax.”

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