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We took a few selfies, and we continued our hike, exploring different trails and enjoying each other's company.

After a few hours of hiking, we sat down on a log by a small stream, enjoying the cool water and the peaceful sounds of nature. Becca slipped her hands into mine and rested her head against my shoulder.

"This has been such a great day," Becca said, smiling at me. "Thank you for suggesting we come out here."

I smiled back. "Anytime. I love spending time with you, Becca. And I love that we can have adventures like this together."

We sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying the serenity of the forest, before packing up and heading back to the cabin. As we walked, I reached out and took Becca's hand, our fingers intertwining as we walked back to our cozy cabin in the woods. Nothing could beat this.

The Discovery

Hunter's POV

"How about I do the packing and you do the cleaning?" Becca asked. She was standing by the window, staring out longingly at the view outside. It was cute to watch. I walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her, I used the other to push her hair from her neck and kissed her softly.

"Why do I have the feeling you don't want to leave?" I asked softly.

She twirled towards me and placed her hands on my neck, leaning in with a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a killjoy, but we've been so happy here. I'd love to spend a day more but you're right, we should get back. You to Mark and me to my cafe."

"We can always come back with Mark. He'll love it with you here," I said to her. Mark would love to visit, especially if Becca was coming. He'd probably pick coming with Becca over me.

"Promise?" She asked. Her eyes looked teary and worried, and that wasn't like Becca. Something was bothering her. I noticed her zoning out at times and repressed the urge to ask her about it. , She deserved her privacy after all but now with her almost crying in front of me, something had to be done.

"I promise Becca. Can you promise me something in return?" I asked. I took her hands in mine and rubbed my thumb softly across her fingers. She looked up at me and nodded earnestly.

"What is wrong?" I asked. Her face clouded for a moment and then cleared. She pasted a smile on her face and started speaking. I didn't need to hear it; she wasn't about to tell me the truth. I placed my finger against her lips and shushed her.

"Baby, you promised,” I said.

"I'm fine, just worried and tired and stressed. I didn't know running a cafe could be so time-consuming," she said, that same watery smile pasted on her face.

She could be telling the truth. I remembered that fleeting look on her face at the Cafe. Maybe the place was stressing her more than I had thought.

"How can I help? Do you need help?" I asked.

She brushed a lock of hair off her face and tightened her hand around the hand which was still holding one of hers.

"I might, but I don't want you to worry, I'll be fine. The weekend has already helped. Maybe that's why I don't want to leave?" She ended uncertainly.

She could be right. After our idyllic weekend here, going back to the hustle and bustle of the cafe would probably be difficult. I leaned in and softly kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and leaned in, wrapping her arms around me and relaxing into the embrace. I wrapped mine around her and hoped I was helping.

I couldn't help any other way. I needed to pick Mark up at school, leaving him with Natalie was not an option. She's already had to drop him off at school this morning. Or maybe Steve could take Mark for a few more days.

"Come on, let's get something to eat, plus we need to pack and get on the road, we have got to leave, baby."

"Alright, can we cook together?" She asked.

"Of course," I said. I pulled her up and bent over and lifted her into my arm. She squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled.

"How about we pack first? We can leave immediately after breakfast?" I asked.

"Sounds good," she replied.

The morning sun streamed through the windows of the cabin as Becca, and I folded our clothes neatly and placed them in our suitcases while chatting about our plans for the day.

"We could stop at a nearby town on our way back and grab some lunch," Becca suggested.

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