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"Are you sure you've still not changed your mind?" Becca asked. I considered it and shook my head no. I'd watch it a little longer.

"Maybe take off the shorts?" I suggested softly.

"No, I think I'll leave them on,” Becca replied. Then her eyes drew closed, and her hands moved temptingly under those damned shorts as she touched herself, teasing me as she much as she was teasing herself. Her other hands trailed to her breast softly, like a snake and then two fingers closed around her nipple like fangs, and she whimpered as though in pain.

I moved closer to the bed, craving her and yet punishing myself. I watched the hand in the shorts greedily, then I put my hand in my own shorts and tightened it around my dick.

"Oh," Becca moaned from the bed and her eyes fastened on the hand in my shorts.

"You want?" I teased.

"Or maybe you're the one who wants, Hunter, let's stop teasing,” she replied. She pulled her hand away from her body and leaned off the bed, then she crawled forward slowly, the suspense killing me.

I noticed the sky lightening up softly, dawn already peeking over the sky. We'd be late and I wouldn't care.

"I think you want it so much, but you just don't know how to ask," she whispered against my ears. I did want, and I hadn't asked because I wanted to watch. If my woman was in front of me, teasing herself into a finely tuned mess of sexual vibration, teasing me along too, I didn't want to interrupt. I wanted to enjoy it.

"But you don't have to ask, Hunter, I'm giving it to you anyway," she completed her sentence. Then she took my hand and placed them over her boobs. I squeezed at them at once, my thumb rubbing over her nipple. Becca threw her head back and moaned loudly.

I kissed my way down her body, pulling my legs to the edge of the bed and settling her body over my thighs, she was straddling me. She looked up at me and leaned forward sensually, placed her lips on mine, and released a soft sigh, her hips lifting leisurely and then coming down gently, right over my pole.

I groaned, my hands tightening around her nipple, her body like a wet, silky glove around me. I wrapped my hands around her hips and helped her when she lifted her hips again, she brought it down faster now, her hips hitting mine with a slap.

"Ohhhh," she moaned out, grinding her ass into my lap. I increased the pace, pushing into her body, her moans of pleasure filling the air each time I pushed back into her, my accompanying groan creating a symphony of sumptuous pleasure. We kept it up that way, Becca riding me, body sliding in and out of hers until we reached our pleasure in tandem, my body exploding into hers as she moaned against me, her head against my shoulders as her pleasure wracked her limp body.

I kissed her forehead and snuggled her against my body. It was an almost perfect beginning to a long day, if she'd teased her body into that orgasm, it would've made a perfect day, I said smiling.

"You know what I think, Hunter?" Becca crooned against my ear, her voice still raspy.

"What?" I asked, curious despite myself.

"I think you wanted to watch that orgasm. I think you were greedy for it," she said.

I chuckled to myself softly and pressed my nose into her hair, she was a wonder.


Becca's POV

The trail ahead was getting difficult to follow. And I was getting tired and dirty and sweaty. Hunter was ahead of me, his enthusiasm unmatched. And he made it look like I hadn't had to force him out of bed this morning.

"I think we should turn back; we've done enough today," I called out to him, swiping my hands over my face, the sun was right in the middle of the sky, beating down like a vengeful monster.

"We're almost done, Becca, you can do it," he said, turning toward me and waiting for me to catch up to him. I considered plodding on; the trail was beautiful. We'd been on it for a few hours now and it was truly amazing.

The scenery was breathtaking, tall trees towered above, casting dappled shadows of the ground, and the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

The trail itself was a work of art, winding its way through the forest floor with a gentle incline. The ground was covered in a thick layer of dried-out leaves, making each step a pleasant sensation. The occasional wildflower or patch of mushrooms added pops of color to the otherwise green surroundings.

We had passed small streams that trickled down the mountainside, the sound of water soothing and refreshing, and we caught glimpses of the mountain range in the distance, its peaks shrouded in mist.

But now I was tired, and I wanted to get out of the sun and back to the cabin. Hunter said there was something just ahead that he wanted to show to me, but now, if he wanted me behind him, at this point, he'd have to give me a piggyback ride. I couldn't do it anymore, my feet were throbbing, my ankles heavy. I'd never walked this far anywhere.

"I'm telling you Becca, it'll be worth it, and it's just a few steps ahead," Hunter said, an excited fervor in his voice. So, I walked with him a little more, trying to think up reasons why I would be so tired. Maybe the baby or maybe I was just tired, a normal climbing a mountain trail tiredness.

I still hadn't told Hunter about the baby, even though, I had promised Natalie and my mom that I would. I didn't want a Hunter who felt obligated to marry me because Hunter was an honorable man. It wouldn't matter to him if he wanted a baby or not, he would never leave me on my own to take care of our baby. So, I kept quiet about it, the guilt biting at me, and walked the trail beside him, hoping we would come up to the mysterious surprise sometime soon.

As we walked a little further down the trail, Hunter led me around a bend and suddenly, we came upon a breathtaking sight. In front of us was a stunning waterfall, cascading down from high above into a pool below. The sound of the rushing water filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

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