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As I drove him to school, Mark chattered away about his classes and his friends. I listened, nodding and smiling, proud of my son and the young man he was becoming.

When we arrived at the school, I parked the car and walked him to the front entrance. We hugged, and I wished him a good day at school. Mark ran off to join his friends, and I watched him go, feeling a swell of pride in my chest.

I drove back to the house, whistling to myself, my thoughts turned to Becca. I didn't understand her hesitation, I knew she liked me enough and no two people fell in love in a day, they dated while they got to know each other.

But I was going to convince her as soon as I could because I wanted her. After Sarah, no woman had interested me, not for the three years I had spent in New York. I had been too busy trying to survive, to get up each day and be the man my son expected me to be.

I drove into my driveway, parked, and slid out of my car. I walked over to the door and pushed it open.

The weather was gorgeous, the sun was shining, and I had a free afternoon. So, I took my laptop and started my search for the perfect spot.

I scrolled through endless websites, trying to find the right place. Most of them were either too crowded or too far away. But then, I stumbled upon a hidden gem, a small park on the outskirts of town that I had never heard of before.

I did some research and found out that it was a quiet and secluded spot, perfect for a romantic picnic. I could already imagine us sitting there, surrounded by nature, enjoying each other's company.

I quickly made a list of everything we would need for the picnic and headed out to buy them. I wanted everything to be perfect, from the food to the decorations.

As I drove back home with my supplies, I couldn't help but feel excited. I knew Becca would love this surprise, and I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I told her.

And because the place was so far away, I dived back into the internet and found a catering crew. I picked up my phone and dialed the number that was provided. After a few rings, a lady with a sweet voice answered, "Good afternoon, thank you for choosing Divine Delights, how may I assist you?"

I cleared my throat and started, "Good afternoon, I'd like to order a picnic set-up for two, please. I want it to be really special, so please make sure everything is perfect." I heard her typing away on her keyboard and she replied, "Of course sir, would you like to choose your menu now or do you need some time to decide?"

"I trust your recommendations," I said with a smile. "Please surprise us with your best selection."

The lady giggled and promised to send over their best menu. After we finalized the details, I gave her the address of the spot and confirmed the time for the set-up.

Now, all that was left to do was to call Becca and ask her to get off work early. I hoped she would say yes because I had a feeling this was going to be a day to remember.

I dialed Becca's number and waited as it rang a few times. "Hey, Hunter," she answered.

"Hey there," I said. "How's your day going?"

"It's going well," she replied. "Just finishing up some work stuff."

"Good to hear," I said. "Listen, I know it's a little last minute, but do you think you can get off work a little early today?"

"Why, what's going on?" she asked, her voice curious.

"I have a surprise planned for you," I said, grinning to myself. "But it's kind of time-sensitive, and I don't want to ruin it by telling you too much beforehand."

"Oh, really?" she said, sounding intrigued. "Well, let me see if I can wrap things up a little early."

"That would be great," I said. "I'll swing by your office and pick you up around 4:30. Is that okay?"

"Sounds perfect," she said. "I'll see you then."

"Can't wait," I said, hanging up the phone and feeling a sense of excitement building inside me. I couldn't wait to see her face when she found out what I had planned.

As I hung up the phone with Becca, I felt a sudden rush of excitement. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she saw the surprise, I had planned for her. I quickly made my way to my room to pick out my outfit.

I wanted to look my best for her, so I chose a crisp white shirt, black pants, and a navy blazer. I knew Becca loved it when I dressed up, so I wanted to make a good impression.

After I got dressed, I headed back to the kitchen to start packing the picnic lunch. I grabbed a wicker basket and started filling it with some of our favorite foods: a bottle of wine, some fresh fruits, cheese, and crackers.

I also grabbed a couple of blankets, and a portable speaker so we could listen to some music. I knew it was going to be a beautiful evening, and I wanted everything to be perfect.

As I finished packing, I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost time to go. I quickly grabbed my keys and headed out the door, excited yet somehow nervous. But first I needed to confirm that it was to my satisfaction. Nothing would ruin the surprise more than if I didn't like the setup myself.

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