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I woke up feeling so strange. My head felt all puffy and slow, and a wave of nausea hit me. I managed to make it to the toilet in time.

As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, my mind started to race. This was no hangover or stomach bug. I'd been feeling kind of different for about a week now. Could it be possible? I quickly ran through the dates in my head and realized that my period was late, for the first time ever.

I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom cabinet, digging through the various medicines and toiletries until I found what I was looking for—a pregnancy test. I bought it on a whim a while ago, but I never thought I'd actually need to use it.

I nervously followed the instructions, my hands shaking as I peed on the stick. Then I waited, pacing back and forth in the bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest.

Finally, the time was up. I took a deep breath and picked up the test. Two pink lines stared back at me, clear as day.

I sank to the ground, tears streaming down my face. This couldn't be happening. I wasn't ready to be a mom. I didn't even know if I wanted kids.

I stood up, wiping away my tears and taking a deep breath. A wave of panic coursed through me when I thought of Christian. What if he didn’t want the baby? What if he thought I had gotten pregnant deliberately? I did show up at his home unannounced. And what if he left me to raise this child alone?

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room, picking up my phone from the nightstand. I needed to talk to someone who could calm me down. I dialed Sophie’s number and waited anxiously for her to answer.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" Sophie answered cheerfully.

"I need you," I blurted out. "Can you come over?"

"Of course," she said immediately.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"No," I admitted, tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm really not okay."

Sophie didn't waste any time. "I'm on my way," she said firmly. "Just stay where you are and take some deep breaths. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and tried to do as she said, but my heart was racing, and my breaths came in short gasps. What was I going to do? How was I going to handle this?

About an hour later, Sophie burst through the door with the spare key I entrusted her with, looking worried and concerned.

"Alex, what's going on?" she asked, taking my hand.

I burst into tears, unable to hold them in any longer. "I'm pregnant," I sobbed. "And I don't know what to do. What if I'm not ready? What if I can't handle this?"

Sophie pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back soothingly. "Hey, hey, it's okay," she whispered. "You're going to be okay. We're going to get through this together."

As I sat on the couch with Sophie, trying to process the fact that I was pregnant, I couldn't help feeling a sense of dread. Christian and I had always been enemies, brought together only by a bet. I wasn't sure how he would react to the news.

For the next few hours, Sophie stayed by my side, talking me through my fears and concerns, reminding me that I had a support system and that I wasn't alone.

"What about your boss, what's his name, something weird, Michaels David?" she asked, making me giggle, some of the tension easing away. "I take it you found a way to put him in his place?"

"Davis Michaels," I corrected, laughing. "I did in fact. It was pretty easy really once I put my mind to it. I just threatened to send him to HR and get my lawyer involved and take his job if he didn't go to a session at Val's once a week. She volunteered to give him workplace manners training."

"Oh god," Sophie groaned. "He might regret his choice yet." Her tone turned serious. “What about Christian? Have you told him about the baby?” she asked me.

“No, how do I even do that?” I answered shaking slightly, my head on her shoulders as she stroked my hair.

“You pick up the phone and put a call through, honey,” she said.

“What if he doesn’t care? You know Christian” I said.

“Yes I do, and he's a good man, a man who loves you,” she answered. "Call him."

“I might love him too Sophie. It's crazy. I hate him, but I might love him too,” I said, wiping my eyes with a tissue whenever I felt the tears leaking out the corners.

And then the doorbell chimed, and for some reason, I jumped up to answer the door. To my surprise, Christian was standing there, looking hesitant.

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