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But I pushed those thoughts aside and forced myself to focus on the meal and the company. After all, I was with the people who loved me the most in the world.

“Tristan is working with me on my latest project,” my mom said suddenly, breaking the silence that had been filled with the sound of clinking glassware. “Everyone loves him at the children’s hospital.”

“They let him work at the children’s hospital?” I asked surprised. Tristan had just gotten back into town, but no one knew where he had been when he was away. He seemed better but I was shocked anyway.

“Christian,” my mom said, her voice lowered in a warning. Tristan probably told her about the argument we had.

“By the way," she said, "where’s Alex?” changing the subject, her brows raised in question, a teasing look on her face.

“She’s home,” I answered looking away and focusing on my meal.

"Well, why isn't she here for dinner?" my mother asked, sounding concerned.

I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. "Um, she's been a bit busy with work lately," I finally said, feeling guilty about lying.

My mother nodded. "I see. And how's she doing? Is everything okay with her?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, she's doing well. Just a bit stressed with work." No need to tell them I was part of the reason for that.

My father looked at me skeptically. "You sure everything's okay, son? You seem a bit tense."

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep the truth from my parents forever. But I needed to, for just a bit longer. Besides, I didn't even know what the truth was since Alex wouldn't speak to me.

“I’m fine Dad,” I said. Placing my fork on my plate, I leaned back in my chair and stretched.

“Tristan finally brought Isabella home the other day. I spent a lot of time trying to get him to do it,” she said, rolling her eyes. “He seemed genuinely happy. Have you met her?” my mom asked. She was smiling widely, her eyes flashing in the light.

I shook my head. This was another piece of news I had most definitely not expected. Tristan was probably having a better time dating than I was.

“No I haven’t. I didn’t know he was dating,” I said.

“Hopefully he doesn’t mess it up like he didn’t with Alex,” she said softly to herself.

“What does that mean?” I asked, suddenly fully attentive. Any mention of Alex always put me on the edge of my seat.

“Oh, it’s nothing, just musing to myself,” she said.

“Mom?” I said with a slight warning in my voice. She should’ve known. I wasn’t letting this go. “Alex is my fiancé now. I should know.”

“Christian...” She sighed deeply before speaking, "Alright, fine. The truth is, Tristan, messed it up with Alex. Things were perfect between them until he lost that deal with Sparta.” I remembered. Tristan stomped and growled and blamed everyone for everything.

“He wanted time away, and Alex gave him that, but he took advantage. He’d keep late nights and come home drunk and desolate. Then he became possessive and jealous. He didn't trust her and would always accuse her of cheating. It became too much for Alex to handle, and she decided to end things. She thought he was cheating, and he was just constantly trying to manipulate the situation.”

As my mother spoke, a wave of guilt washed over me. I'd been so focused on protecting my brother that I had never stopped to consider Alex's feelings.

"I can't believe Tristan did that to her," I said, feeling angry and remorseful at the same time. "I've been fighting with Alex, accusing her of hurting my brother, but now it turns out that my brother hurt her.”

The irony, was one more mistake on my conscience like I didn’t have enough to apologize for. To beg for. Alex would never forgive me for this. How had she kept this from me?

“He was jealous and possessive and then to cap it all off, he went ahead and had an affair. I don’t know how she found out, but she did, and that was the last straw for her. Alex was always a sweet lady. I’m glad she’s found love with you,” she said smiling softly at me.

I stumbled out of my chair and out of the house. I needed some air and a place to think. No wonder Alex had been so mad and had refused to apologize. The Alex I had gotten to know would never have refused to apologize if she had really hurt my brother. How could I have been so blind?

I raked my hand through my hair before getting into my car and slamming the door closed. I needed to speak to Alex soon. Very soon. And I’d sleep outside her apartment if I had to.


Alex’s POV

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