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"This is amazing," she said, a smile spreading across her face.

It felt good to be able to impress her, to show her that I knew a thing or two about good food.

As we continued to eat, we talked about everything and anything. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and I could feel myself opening up to her in a way I hadn’t with anyone else in a long time.

"So, how was your day?" I asked, taking a sip of water. “How’s work?” I said, with an involuntary eye roll.

“Stop,” she says sharply, but then rolled her eyes too. “My day was good, pretty busy actually. I had a lot of meetings and deadlines, but it all went well," she replied, rubbing her temples. "How about yours?"

I smiled. "It was a bit hectic as well, but nothing I couldn't handle. Work was busy, my meetings in Paris went so well that I’ll probably need to go back soon to conclude a few things there.”

“I certainly can’t join you now,” she said, an exaggerated look of hurt on her face.

I smirked at her.

“Reason you should be working for me. Then you'd be dating the boss,” I said.

Alex fidgeted as she sat across from me.

"Christian, I need to talk to you about something that's been bothering me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I looked up, giving her my full attention. "What's up, Alex? Is everything okay?"

She took a deep breath before continuing. "It's about my boss, Christian. He's been flirting with me a lot lately, and it's making me really uncomfortable."

My expression darkened. I had tried to be supportive of her job, but I had also tried my best to stop her from taking it. If she wanted to work, it was better she worked for me. But Alex had a mind of her own and she was where she was right now, where she wanted to be.

"What kind of flirting?" I asked, my voice tightening with anger.

"He's been making suggestive comments and touching my arm or my back when he talks to me," she explained. " Nothing too overt, just enough to make me feel really uneasy."

I clenched my jaw, seething inside. "That's completely unacceptable, Alex. You need to tell HR about this right away."

She shook her head, "I don't want to make a big deal out of it. What if he denies it or says I'm overreacting? Besides I’ll deal with it my own way.”

Christian reached across the table and took my hand. "You're not overreacting, Alex. This is harassment, and it needs to stop. You don't have to go through this alone, okay? I'll deal with him."

She ran her hands over mine and nodded slowly. Her boss would be well and truly taken care of. No one had the right to hurt her, no one. I felt my anger shimmering just below the surface, but I pushed it down. I’d deal with it later.

Before we knew it, the dessert we ordered arrived, a chocolate lava cake with a side of vanilla ice cream, and it looked incredible. I took a bite, the warm, melty chocolate filling my mouth.

"This might be the best dessert I've ever had," I said, looking over at Alex.

She took a bite of her own, nodding in agreement. "It's pretty amazing."

“I knew you’d love it,” I said to her.

Chapter Eleven

Alex's POV

I sat alone in my office, scrolling through emails when I heard a knock at the open door. I looked up to see Davis, the usual smile on his face. Not him, not again. His attention had become weird and uncomfortable, and he always made sure to show up whenever I was alone, never when there was another person in the room.

"Hey there, gorgeous," he said smirking, leaning against the doorframe.

“Hi Davis," I said, my voice flat.

He sauntered over to my desk and leaned down, his breath hot on my cheek. "I was thinking maybe we could grab lunch today. Just the two of us."

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