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The doors open, I step out into a large hallway that leads to the marketing department.

The hallway is lined with doors, each adorned with a nameplate. Some of the doors are open, revealing glimpses of offices and workstations. I can see people working on computers, making phone calls, and collaborating on projects.

At the end of the hallway, I reach the door that marked Davis Michael. I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in," a deep voice called out.

I pushed the door open and entered. The large room with floor-to-ceiling windows offered a stunning view of the city. The walls were painted a light cream color, and paintings and sculptures were placed strategically around the room. A few framed photographs lined the walls, and the bookshelf was held business books and magazines.

Davis Michael rose from behind a wide, highly polished wood desk as I enter the room. He was a tall with short brown hair and intense light blue eyes. He had on a black suit, and he looked sharp and professional. As he appraised me, his eyes lingered a moment too long on my boobs before flicking to my eyes.

"Alex?" he asked, holding out his hand. "I'm Davis Michael. Welcome to our company. How was your commute?"

“Perfect Mr. Michael” I replied, and we shook hands.

“Call me Davis. If we’re to have a great working relationship, we need to get rid of the formalities pronto, don’t you think?” Then he gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. "Please, have a seat," he said. "Let's get started. We should get to know each other a bit before we dive into your job duties.”

He sat back down and smiled, leaning back in his chair. "So, Alex, tell me a bit about yourself."

I took a deep breath and launch into my rehearsed spiel. I told him about my education, my volunteer and internship experiences, and my skills and strengths. I knew I sounded confident and dependable, but alarm bells were ringing in the back of my head.

As the meeting went on, I feel more at ease. Davis was kind and patient, and he seemed genuinely interested in helping me succeed in my new role. He told me about the different teams I'd be working with, and he took me around and introduced me to some of the coworkers I'd be collaborating with.

He seemed friendly and easygoing, but also sharp and perceptive. I could tell he was trying to gauge whether I was really a good fit for the company and whether I had what it took to succeed in my role.

"All right, Alex, let's talk about your job duties," he said. As was discussed with you during the interview, as social media manager, your responsibilities will include creating and executing social media campaigns, managing our social media accounts, analyzing data, and collaborating with other teams to ensure a cohesive marketing strategy. Are you up for that challenge?"

I nodded, feeling a rush of excitement. This was exactly the kind of job I'd been dreaming of. I was passionate about social media and marketing, and I was confident that I could excel in that role.

Davis handed me a folder with some papers inside. "Here are some more details about your job duties, as well as some material on company policies and procedures," Davis said, handing me a folder. "Take some time to read through it all, and let me know if you have any questions. It includes information on our culture, values, and history and practical details like vacation time, dress code, etc."

"Welcome to the team, Alex," he said as we were wrapping up. "We're excited to have you here. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

When he shook my hand, he caressed it softly with his thumb, and for a moment he peered at me intently. My stomach dropped. It’s probably nothing, I thought, before removing my hand from his grasp.

I smiled, something like dread creeping in. I want badly to keep this job. He came around from his desk, and I followed him to my workspace.

We wound through a maze of cubicles and offices.

"This is your office," he said, finally, gesturing to an open door. “Make yourself at home."

It was equipped with a computer and several monitors on a large desk, a comfortable-looking chair, and a bookshelf filled with manuals and journals.

I was relieved that my workspace was private and quiet. I hated the idea of working in an open-concept office where I would have to constantly dodge distractions.

"Thank you, Davis," I said. “This looks great."

He nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you like it. We take pride in creating a positive work environment. I hope you'll enjoy working here."

"I'm sure I will," I replied.

He handed me a stack of documents and folders. "These are some materials to help you get started. You'll be working on a new project with our team. "

"Sounds good," I said, flipping through it. The project was a new software system that the company was advertising for clients in the healthcare industry. It looked like a challenging but interesting project.

Mr. Davis checked his watch. "I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend. But I'll leave you in the capable hands of your team leader. He'll be stopping by later to give you a rundown of the project. Welcome aboard, Alex."

"Thank you, Davis," I said, feeling a surge of excitement as he finally leaves.

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