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When I stepped outside, Christian was already out of the car. He looked dashing in his black tuxedo, and his suave demeanor was just a little bit intimidating. He looked way better than I had expected. When he smiled at me, all my worries vanished.

"You look stunning," he said, opening the car door for me.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I answered, piling the train of my dress around me. Christian had picked it up and helped me maneuver it as I stepped into the car. I blushed and thanked him, feeling a rush of pleasure at his compliment.

The ride to the ball was short and sweet, with Christian doing his best to keep his eyes off me and on the road. It was everything I had hoped for, his eyes wandering over my body at every stop light, unable to resist looking at me.

The mansion where the ball was held was a magnificent old place, with tall columns and ivy crawling up the walls. Christian's parents, the hosts of the ball, greeted us warmly at the door. They looked every bit the part of wealthy aristocrats, Mr. Sanchester in a crisp suit and Mrs. Sanchester in a glittering gown.

"Alex, my dear, so lovely to see you again," Mrs. Sanchester said with a warm smile, hugging me warmly and sincerely. "And Christian, you look dashing in your tuxedo."

"Thank you, Mrs. Sanchester," I replied smiling and breathless.

Mr. Sanchester took my hands in his and gave us a nod of approval. "Glad you could make it, the party's just getting started."

I scanned the crowd, searching for my parents, and finally spotted them at the other end of the room, chatting with some of Christian's relatives. As we were making our way over to them, my nervousness returned. I couldn’t gauge how my parent would react to Christian.

When we reached my parents, they greeted us both warmly, as did Christian's relatives. My father, a tall and imposing figure, was wearing a black suit and a stern expression. My mother, on the other hand, was all smiles and pleasantries.

"Mom, Dad," I said, approaching them. I gave my mom a big hug and kissed my dad on both cheeks.

"Alex," my mother said, pulling me in for a second hug. "You look beautiful tonight. And Christian, it's good to see you again."

“You look stunning, Mrs. Grey,” he told her, hugging her and shaking hands with my dad.

“Don’t tease now,” my mom replied, rolling her eyes at his compliment. We wandered away from my parents as they resumed their conversations with the people around them.

As we walked up the grand staircase to the ballroom, I felt a sense of awe at the sheer opulence of the surroundings. The walls were draped in silk, the chandeliers sparkled like diamonds, and the air was thick with the scent of expensive perfume.

As we mingled with the other guests, I caught snippets of conversation about politics, business deals, and social events.

I wished Valerie and Sophie had been able to make it. But then I couldn’t always have my way. As the night wore on, the dance floor filled up, and Christian led me onto it. We swayed to the music, his strong arms around me. It felt to be good to be out there, swaying to good music beside a handsome man.

“Have I told you that you look absolutely amazing?” Christian whispered into my ear.

“Only about a million times now,” I answered, laughing up at him. He looked into my eyes before leaning closer and giving me a little kiss on the forehead. I had expected the kiss to land on my lips, and it must’ve shown on my face.

“Don’t look that way you naughty woman, we’re with company,” he said twirling me around the dance floor. The dance floor was full, the elegant guests moving in time to the music.

“No one would notice,” I said boldly. He'd lit up my body with his teasing, and I wanted my kiss, guests or no guests.

He stared down at me, raising his eyebrow with a look of wonder.

“Well?” I was challenged when the moment went on for too long.

“You’re serious?” he asked.

“Very much so,” I said, but I didn’t think he’d do it. Christian was the very picture of propriety when it came to these events. No way he would kiss me in the middle of a crowd, right at his parent’s ball.

That was my last thought before I felt his lips wet and soft against mine in a kiss. I reciprocated immediately, pressing into him, my mouth responding softly to his pressure of his. I forgot for a moment just where we were until the sound of whistles filled my ears.

I pulled away slightly and looked around at the staring crowd. My face heated up when I noticed my mom smiling happily at me, looking like she was the one who just got kissed. She winked at me and then turned away from us. I looked up at Christian who was staring down at me, with his blue eyes narrowed with lust.

“You happy now?” he asked roughly as he pulled me closer to him.

“Very much so.” I replied staring at his lips, "For the moment anyway."

“Don’t even start. We’re not remaking that moment. Not here,” he said suggestively, raising an eyebrow.

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