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“I know! It’s been way too long without you, too,” I said smiling.

“Well tell me already, what was it like in New Mexico?” she asked, shifting forward on her chair.

“Oh Sophie, it was amazing! The landscapes, the culture, and the people—everything was just so beautiful and different. I had the time of my life.” I shared enthusiastically.

“I’m so jealous. You’re taking me with you next time,” she said shaking a finger gently.

"Aw, don't worry. We can plan a trip there together sometime soon,” I replied with exaggerated sympathy.

“But how were things for you while I was away?" I asked.

"It's been work, work, and more work”

"You’re a mental workhorse.”

“I did start taking a painting class. The teacher is hot,” she said laughing out loud.

“Nathan’s going to hear about your hot art teacher,” I teased.

“You wouldn’t!” She exclaimed laughing.

“I would too.”

Just then, a server approached the table to take our order just.

"I'll have a latte, please," Sophie said.

"I'll have a green tea latte," I said, "and can we also get an order of those scones?"

The server nodded and headed off to fulfill our order.

“You’re paying,” Sophie said.

“And to what do I owe that honor?” I asked, my eyebrows raised.

“Cause you also get the honor of being my bridesmaid,” she announced grandly. "I have some news, Alex," she said, her voice hushed. "Nathan and I are getting married!"

My face lit up with excitement. "Oh my God, that's amazing, Soph!" I exclaimed, leaning forward to throw my arms around her.

But, as she stirred her latte, her expression changed. Her face softened as she looked into my eyes.

"There's something else," she said, a hint of apprehension in her voice. "Christian's going to be the best man."

My smile faltered for a moment. For Christ's sake, not Christian, I’d only been back for so long.

"Christian," I repeated, my voice flat.

Sophie sighed, her hands fidgeting with her napkin. "I know, I know. You two don't really get along," she said, her voice apologetic. "But he's Nathan’s best friend, and Nathan asked him.”

I forced a smile.

"Of course," I said.

I wasn’t letting that creep ruin Sophie’s day—plus, this was my perfect chance to pay him back for being such an asshole.

Sophie's face relaxed into a relieved smile now she’d gotten that out of the way, and our conversation turned to wedding preparations.

Still, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Christian was notoriously arrogant and condescending to me, and I knew that keeping my cool around him was going to be a challenge.

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