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"Excuse me," I said to the tall blonde he was dancing with, "May I cut in?"

"Sure, no problem," she said, smiling.

"That won't be necessary," Christian said in a rough, heated voice, his blue eyes more piercing than I had ever seen them.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, trying to keep my tone even.

He grinned, his eyes glinting mischievously.

"Just having a little fun," he replied, pulling the blond leggy girl closer.

I felt another intense surge of jealousy, but I refused to show it, at least not any more than I already had by walking over here in the first place.

"You're going to expose us if you keep acting like this," I whispered warningly in his ear, hoping to appeal to his sense of reason. We hadn’t been "together" for more than a few days, and he was already acting up. Valerie was already super suspicious. None of it was going as intended.

Christian seemed unfazed by my whispered words, and he continued to dance with the tall blond.

I turned on my heel, walking away in frustration. How could he act like this, especially at our friends' engagement party?

As I walked through the crowd, I felt a sense of loneliness wash over me. I didn't want to be at the party anymore, not with Christian acting like this. I needed some space to clear my head. I really should not care what that bastard did, and the fact that I did care piqued me even more.

Spotting a quiet corner, I made my way over to it, hoping to find some solace. I'd almost pulled myself together and was ready to check in on Sophie and Valerie, when Christian, who had apparently followed me, invaded my peace once again. I could feel things getting worse, like the night was spinning out of my control and I was powerless to stop it.

"What do you want?" I asked my tone solid ice.

He sighed, his eyes searching mine.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been dancing with her. I just wanted to make you jealous," he admitted.

I looked at him, my eyes softening. "Why would you want to do that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Christian shrugged, looking uncomfortable. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to see if you’d care," he admitted.

That I had not been expecting. But I refused to let him know that.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, trying to maintain my composure.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with what looked like longing.

"Alex, I know that you do care. I can see it in your eyes," he said, taking one step closer to me.

I felt my resolve weakening, but I could not give in. Yes, an apology, an admission, and a look of longing were a lot... But his immaturity had almost given us away.

"You don't know anything," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Christian sighed, looking comically defeated.

"Fine. I won't bring it up again," he said, turning to leave. “I’ll just spend the whole night with the blonde. I’m certain she’ll be happy enough to oblige.”

As I watched him go, I couldn’t help thinking that I had bitten off more than I could comfortably chew. The night wasn’t supposed to go this way. It should have been us twirling around the ballroom, the center of attention, the most important couple next to Sophie and Nathan. And we had ruined it.

I watched as Christian made his way to the dance floor with the tall blonde. My heart sank because I realized he really was doing this just to make me jealous. I just couldn't believe he was pulling this, especially at the engagement party. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I watched them dance, the girl's arms wrapped around Christian's neck as he held her close.

I tried to ignore them and focus on supporting my friend at her party, but I couldn't help my hurt and anger or the thoughts tumbling through my mind. Why did he have to do this? Was he trying to prove something to me? Did he really think that dancing with another girl would make me apologize or that it would help us resolve our problems?

Christian and the blonde danced to a slow song. He saw me watching and gave me a smug smile as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

Why couldn't I look away? I was so drawn to him, even as I felt myself getting angrier and more upset. I tried to tell myself that it didn't matter, that I didn't care, but deep down, I knew that it simply wasn't true.

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