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Chapter One

Alex's POV

That was the hardest part of flying for me—deciding what to drink on the plane, although I'm not normally an indecisive person. First class had yummy scotch, but then there was my all-time favorite, vodka. I couldn't betray my love like that, could I?

"Ma'am, ma'am?" The stewardess jolted me from my thoughts of drink. I was about to settle on some rich scotch, as I rarely enjoyed it at home, when I heard the slurred voice of the guy sitting opposite me, replying on my behalf. "Baby doll, maybe you should just get her a glass of juice. She looks like she might be some kind of alcoholic," he said between laughs, roughly tapping his friend's arm.

"Who takes that long to decide on a simple drink anyway, if not some drunk?" my heckler continued. His friend seemed to get the joke and laughed like there was anything funny about that statement, and I considered joining them, just to see how uncomfortable it would make them but decided against it.

The stewardess looked like she was about to pass out from panic, and she glanced at me in an apologetic manner, but I just smiled at her sweetly, "It's alright dear. You won't really take the word of someone who slammed 4 Devil's Spring 160s, while I was resting my eyes, would you?" I said slowly and clearly, with a little smirk. The eyes of the bully and his friend widened.

"Thought I was sleeping, didn't you," I said to the men. "People who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones," I asked. The looks on their faces were so priceless. I wanted to laugh but didn't want to give them attention.

They both still seemed kind of frozen in shock by the time I got my drink and began sipping it slowly. I don't know what surprised them more, the fact that I was counting their drinks while I napped, or that a girl actually had the balls to put assholes like them in their places.

But then I wasn't just any girl, I was Alex Grey, and in all my twenty-five years of existence I had not for a single day let anyone make me the butt of their jokes. If I was a divine spirit, it would probably be Karma. And I'd always serve it up nice and cold too, I thought—my mind on the one reason I wasn't so happy to be returning to Miami. There was one person that I hadn't been able to serve my karma properly for a while now, and his name was Christian Sanchester. Just thinking about him made my blood boil in fury.


Christian’s POV

I hated waiting in line. I just couldn’t help it. I wasn’t used to it, and I never would be. Christian Sanchester did not wait in line. But that was what you got when you sent your secretary home early so she could enjoy dinner with her two young kids before they headed out with their father.

The woman in pink at the front of the line swiped her card for the third time and got the same sharp beep. At this rate, I’d never make it out of the store.

I should’ve sent Ellen, my secretary, for the groceries as usual, I thought sullenly, then I wouldn’t have to be here watching this travesty. I thought about offering to pay and decided against it for now. I’d give it a few more minutes.

I scowled at the line stretching before me, tapping my foot impatiently as the cashier tried swiping the card. My mind wandered to the news I got this morning. Nathan was getting married. That part was good, but the rest of it I just didn’t bear thinking about.

I snapped out of my thoughts, looking around. The lady in pink looked flustered and embarrassed. Her hands shook as she fumbled with her wallet, and I could see the frustration etched on her face.

Without further thought, I walked up the line and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I said softly. "May I pay for your groceries?"

She looked up at me, clearly taken aback by the offer. "Oh, no, that's really not necessary," she said, trying to wave me off.

I shook my head, determined not to spend the whole day at the store. "Please, it would be my pleasure," I insisted.

The woman in pink hesitated before finally nodding in agreement. I stepped up to the cashier and handed her my platinum unlimited card. “The lady will be paying with this,” I said.

The cashier quickly swiped the card and handed it back to me with a smile.

As the woman thanked me and gathered up her bags, I handed the cashier my own purchase and paid for it. I'd killed two birds with one stone. It paid well to think smart, and I knew I’d need the deadliest wit to deal with Alex. She didn’t get to just swoop back into town and be a princess all over again. I’d make her regret her actions as much as I regretted my older brother Tristan ever meeting her.


Alex’s POV

I pushed the door open and stepped into the cozy café, my eyes scanning the room until I spotted Sophie, sitting at a small table tucked away in a corner. With a grin spreading across my face, I quickened my pace and closed in on Sophie's table.

"Hey, stranger!" I exclaimed arms outstretched.

Sophie got up from the table and gave me a big hug.

"Hey, you!" she said, a radiant smile stretching from ear to ear. "Oh my goodness, it's so good to see you! It's been way too long!" she said excitedly.

I pulled the chair back and settled into it.

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