Page 63 of Crown of Lies

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Mutilation was worth it for the sake of good food.

“Okay,” I said. “What did you find? I’ve been waiting for you all fucking day for some information.”

“You’ve been texting me nonstop all day like a madwoman. Or an addict.”

I shrugged. “You left me hanging.”

Razai sat on the couch, making my cushion cave in toward him. How much did this dude weigh? Then the irreverent archangel downed his entire glass of beer. “The bags,” he gasped after the last swallow.

“Are you okay there, Razai?”

“I’m probably drunk.”


His eyelids drifted downward. “If you’re hoping to take advantage of me—”

“Shove it up your ass, pretty boy.”

“—you’ll have to work on your seduction,” he finished. The slouch in his wide shoulders deepened.

“Oh my god,” I whispered. “You’re a lightweight.”

He grinned, cheeks turning a little pink. “Maaayyybe.”

Exasperated, I asked, “Well, why’d you shoot the whole thing back like a fucking shot?”

“I’ve had a long weekend, okay? Do you know how hard it is to get kicked out of those meetings? I tried really, really hard. It’s exhausting work being so obnoxious.”

“The bags, Razai.”

The couch shook with his jolting forward. “Oh, of course. They’re drugs.”

I blinked. “Drugs…”

“Yup. No way to tell what kind, but that logo is part of a very… uh… savage and well-connected ring of dealers in the city. Don’t want to mess with those guys. No way,” he said with a spastic shake of his head.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I stared. And stared. When he didn’t add anything, I stated the obvious. “But we have to.”

“Do you?”

I threw my hands up. “Dude. It’s my only clue so far. I don’t have the luxury of not messing with savage drug dealers!”

He squinted at me. “That was a very strange sentence to say aloud.”

“Eat your potato balls,” I growled, biting into mine. “And tell me about this ring.”

He flopped back to chew on his food. “I just know a guy who works for them. He was an old student of mine that kept in touch. So proud of him climbing that corporate ladder. Truly the American Dream, isn’t it?”

“Right,” I deadpanned. “So, can you set up a meeting with him?”

“You really want that?”

“Absolutely.” The thrill shocked its way through me. A lead. A real lead. “And we can assume that Clave is likely selling drugs to his students.”

Razai frowned, chewing. His glazed eyes focused and unfocused. “Clave?”

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