Page 49 of Poison Pen

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That’s what she was doing, only I couldn’t figure out why.

She stared at me, her eyes wide behind the wild curtain of her hair as she froze, two buttons undone onmyfucking shirt, looking like she was ready to bolt and I wasn’t gonna have it.

“Wha-? I’m leaving. Why?”

“Leaving?” I narrowed my eyes, taking another step into the room and closing the door behind me softly. I wasn’t feelin’ soft, though, so it took a whole shit-ton of effort not to slam the door, storm over to her and remind her exactly why running from me was the wrong decision.

But looking at her, frozen like a deer in the headlights, I knew that my approach had to be different. Ricki may walk around this world like a ball-buster, but something told me that underneath that harsh exterior was something so delicate, so fragile, that one wrong move could shatter this—us—beyond repair.

“Why, exactly, are you leaving, Ricki?”

“Uh... because?” she offered lamely, and I chuckled.

“Because why?”

Licking her lips, Ricki straightened and ran her tattooed fingers through her hair, tugging it back off of her face and letting me see just how flushed her cheeks were.

“Because that’s what you do after a one-night stand, Asher. You get what you came for and then you leave.”

Clenching my jaw, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared her down.

“And what was it about the last twenty-four hours that made you think that this was a one-night stand, Betty?” She opened her mouth to reply, but I kept talking, not wanting to hear any more of her bullshit excuses. “Was it when I took you and your goat to my childhood home? Was it when we sat at the table with my family, drinking and laughing for hours?” She took a step back when I took one forward. “Maybe it was when I refused to leave you alone and vulnerable when someone clearly still has it out for you.” She swallowed, looking stricken, as one hand reached up to clutch the pendant around her neck. “Or maybe it was right here, in this very room, when you came on my face and on my cock.” She blinked, lips parting in shock. “Repeatedly.”

I took another step toward her, bringing us so close I could feel her warm breath as it ghosted across my neck in quick bursts.

“If you wanna leave, Ricki,” I said, my voice low as I brought my hands up to grip the lapels of the flannel shirt she was wearing that still smelled like me, “do it because you don’t want to be here, not because you think you’re not wanted.”

Bringing my hands up from the shirt, I cupped her jaw lightly, feeling her pulse fluttering against my fingers as she closed her eyes.

“Because, trust me, Ricki. You areverywanted.”

I could feel her body relax, as though she’d been holding herself tight like a bowstring, and was suddenly released. Still looking at me, her eyes narrowed in confusion before she spoke.

“Then,” she said hesitantly, “why were you so freaking pissed?”

I thought about it, wondering what she meant, but then it clicked.

“I was pissed, Ricki, because I was making breakfast for two when my dipshit best friend showed up unannounced.” She cracked a smile, and I couldn’t help but press a kiss to her mouth. “I was pissed because I was hoping to be able to come back up here with sustenance and keep you well fed and well fucked for the entire day. And I was really pissed when you waltzed into my kitchen, looking hot as fuck in my goddamn shirt, and then you sat your fine ass down next to Easton like you belonged next to him and not me.”

Ricki rolled her eyes—a definite sign she was over feeling vulnerable—and smirked up at me.

“I don’tbelongto anyone, Asher.”

“That’s where you’re mistaken, Betty,” I growled, giving her jaw a gentle squeeze. “Because these lips?” I pressed a kiss to her parted lips. “They for sure belong against mine. And this ass?” I slid one hand around and gripped her firmly. “Belongs in my hands. And this pussy?” Using the hand on her ass, I hauled Ricki against me, bending my knees and letting her press against my hardening cock right where it counted. “This pussy definitely doesn’t cream for anyone but me. Are we clear?”

For a second, she just blinked at me, her eyes gone hazy as she stared. Then, as though a starting pistol had been fired, Ricki attacked me with her mouth, her full lips slanting against mine for only a second before her tongue was out, licking across the seam of my lips, begging for entrance.

Securing both my hands on her ass, I lifted her, spinning us so that her back was pressed to the door, those luscious thighs wrapping around my hips as she writhed against me, the slippery heat of her pussy making itself known as Ricki rubbed herself against the bulge of my cock still trapped inside my sweats.

I let her indulge for a minute, wanting her good and worked up, before I moved back, canting my hips back and away from her, smiling at the feral growl Ricki released when she suddenly lost friction.

“You want my dick, baby?” I asked in between kisses. “You gotta give me what I want first.”

“No way.”

“Alright then,” I said with a chuckle, reaching behind me to try to unhook her ankles from the small of my back. “I guess we’re done here.”

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