Page 96 of Brutal Kings

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“I swear to you that if you lock me in that bedroom–or the basement—I’ll find a way out.”

Benji looks amused as he walks towards me. “Sure, you will.” He reaches out his hand to grab me, but I slap it away and sprint in the opposite direction. I hear him sigh behind me as I make a beeline for the conference room, but when I get there, it’s empty.

Where the hell did they go?

“Maya.” Benji looks more than a little irritated now, but I don’t care. I don’t want to be locked away with no idea what’s going on or if any of my guys are hurt. I’d be crushed if something happened to them and I never got to see them again.

Even Jay, despite how cold he’s being.

“Take me to them,” I demand, my voice shaking. I’m not normally this direct with any of Ezra’s men, but right now, I can feel the panic creeping up inside of me.

“He said to lock you in the damn basement, but I was being nice by taking you to your room,” he growls, moving to grab me again. He’s losing his patience now. I could get him into trouble with Ezra because I’m not allowing him to follow orders.

Too damn bad.

“When? I didn’t hear him say anything.”

“He texted me after we left the conference room.”

Of course he did. He wouldn’t say it in front of me because he knew how I would have reacted. He knew I would’ve pitched a fucking fit. It’s so typical of him to do something like that behind my back.

“Well, you can text him back and let him know that I’m not going anywhere.” I fold my arms over my chest and level him with a glare, daring him to make a move. His jaw works as he grinds his teeth together, pulling out his phone.

“She won’t go,” he grits out after calling Ezra. I hear him shout something on the other end. “I tried, but she’s fast.” I bite my lip to keep from smiling. Benji nods a few times, then hangs up. “He’s not changing his mind. You need to come with me.Now.”

I open my mouth to protest, but then I hear gunshots coming from right outside the house. My first instinct is to duck and hide, but I don‘t want to cower in fear. I don’t want to be stuck in this house while a damn war is happening right on the other side of these walls.

If I want to get out of this room, I have to get past Benji.

Lowering my head in supplication, I tell him to just take me to my room. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me like I’m nothing more than a doll.

With a strength I didn’t even know I had, I twist my arm and wrench myself free from Benji’s iron grip.

Quickly, I turn and sprint to the front door, throwing it wide open.

The entire driveway is filled with men: red for the Brotherhood, and black for the Syndicate.

The color of blood and the color of death.

I gasp as a stray bullet grazes my temple. I run a hand along the sensitive skin, and my fingertips come away with blood. My heart begins to race when I realize I can’t see any of my guys in the fray, and that makes me even more anxious than I thought it would. There are so many of Dom’s men that I barely see any of Ezra’s.

I can’t see the death through all the blood.

I scream when someone grabs my arm and pulls me back into the house. Just before they’re able to close the door, a man in red comes barreling in, gun in hand.

When he looks down at me, he grins. His teeth are perfectly straight and white, and his brown hair is slicked back away from his face.

“Well, well, well,” he purrs in an Italian accent, stalking closer. “Look at who we have here.”

The grip on my arm tightens, and I realize it’s Benji. He’s got his gun aimed right at the man in red’s heart, but the man just laughs.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Benji says, acid dripping from his tone. The two men stare each other down, neither of them relenting, neither of them fazed by the fact that their guns are pointed right at each other. I suppose years of doing this can desensitize you to such things.

“Get out of my way,perdente,” the man in red growls. A calm fury has settled into him. “I only want her. I have no interest in killing you.”

Lie. Dom Carlo and his Crimson Brotherhood have wanted nothing more than to put the Eastlake Syndicate ten feet underground for years.

But what I don’t understand is why this man wants me. I’ve never seen him a day in my life.

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