Page 49 of Brutal Kings

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The ride home is fast and short. Lee races through the partially empty streets of Eastlake, cutting off other cars and speeding through red lights. It’s a miracle we arrive back home in one piece.

“Meeting. Now,” Ezra orders his soldiers as we follow him into the conference room.

“This was never about the money,” he states as he takes his usual seat at the head of the table. “Dom Carlo just wanted to find our location. Too bad for him, we found his rat before he had the chance to slither his way back to him.”

“How do we know Dylan hadn’t already notified Dom of where The Fortress is?” Benji asks, flexing his tattooed fingers. “He could have been miked.”

Ezra sighs—he looks exhausted. “We don’t. Which means we’ll have to double down on security. Dom has wanted our territory for years, and we won’t let him have it.” He looks each of us in the eye. “If he wants to take what’s ours, he’s going to have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.”

The room erupts into boisterous whoops and cheers of agreement. The leader of the Crimson Brotherhood has been after us for far too long. This time, he’s gotten closer than he ever has before. I have no doubt that Dylan was working for Dom Carlo. The bastard is sneaky and will use any means necessary to get what he wants, even if it means ruining the lives of innocent people.

Ezra, Lee, and I have worked hard to make the Eastlake Syndicate what it is today. I’ll be damned if that psycho thinks he can come to our side and take what belongs to us.



Every nightfor the past few days, I’ve pleasured myself to the thought of Vic and fallen asleep dreaming about him. Our almost kiss in my room has made me ravenous for his attention, but every time I see him around the house, he just gives me a knowing grin before quickly turning his attention away.

Our little secret. No one will ever know what happened between us.

When I wake up from my nap, it’s past seven, and my room is dark and completely silent.

That can only mean one of two things: everyone is out—most likely killing someone—or everyone is in the basement… most likely killing someone.

So, basically, don’t come to this house or you’ll die.

The thought sends shivers up and down my spine. It’s better that I don’t call Ezra, so I don’t know what’s going on. But now that I’m alone, I’m sobored. Just because I’m being held here against my will doesn’t mean I have to stare at the walls all day long.

I sit up in bed and stretch luxuriously. After a particularly dirty Vic-related daydream earlier, I tended to the ache between my legs before passing out right after. Even though I haven’t had sex with anyone since I left Ezra, I never really allowed myself to touch myself either, because I would do it for him. And since we weren’t together anymore, I had no interest in continuing.

But Vic…

He’s delicious. I haven’t met a guy I wanted to fuck in ages, and the danger of knowing that Ezra will quite literally kill us both if he found out we’d done anything together turns me on.

I blink.

What the hell is wrong with me?

This isn’t me. I don’t act this way.

When I’m around Vic, I don’t know how to act. I can’t stop myself from being so forward with him. Maybe it’s because he gives me the kind of attention I want from a guy, not the overprotection and obsession from Ezra.

And he’s sweet. All the time.

Ezra has two sides to him, and I never know which one is going to present itself to me that day.

I throw myself back down on the bed and groan, wondering why my life is turning to shit.

A knock on my door makes me jump.

“Come in,” I call, sitting back up again. A part of me hopes it’s Vic, but when one of the bodyguards walks into the room, my hopes drop.

“I was supposed to check on you an hour ago, but something came up,” he explains.

I nod. “Where is everyone?”

The bodyguard goes to leave and says over his shoulder, “they’re busy.”

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