Page 19 of Brutal Kings

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“About an hour and a half. If you want to get some sleep, the guys and I can go into the back room.”

The back room of the jet is small; there’s no way the three of them would be able to fit. Why someone with as much money as Ezra would ever buy a private jet without a bedroom is beyond me. But he’s willing to sacrifice his comfort, and the comfort of his friends, so that I can rest.

He’s making it so hard for me to hate him right now.

I shake my head. “You don’t need to do that. I’ll just rest my eyes.” I eat a little bit more food before getting up and lying down on the divan. I don’t realize Ezra’s right behind me until I feel the cushion dip beside my head. I turn to look at him. He positions himself so he’s sitting sideways, and he starts rubbing my forehead.

“Don’t,” I whisper, pushing his hand away.


“You’re making this hard for me.”

“What’s so hard about it? We still love each other. Let me take care of you.”

I open my mouth to protest that I don’t love him, that I hate him beyond belief, but I can’t bring myself to say the words because I know that I don’t mean them. I still love him. I’ve thought about him every single day since I left, and I often considered going back to him because the ache was too much to bear.

He starts rubbing my forehead again, and pretty soon, I succumb to sleep.



The little girl is sleeping.

Ezra’s sitting next to her on the couch, staring at her as if to make sure she’s still breathing. I can’t say that I blame him. If my girl left me, and I finally got her back, I’d want to make sure she was still breathing, too.

If I had a girl.

I seem to scare off anyone who wants to get close to me. Ezra, Lee, and Vic are the only ones who see me for who I am, and they don’t shy away from it. They know what’s in my heart, and it doesn’t faze them.

But when you look and sound like me, not too many women want to get close. I could crush Maya beneath the pad of my thumb, she’s so fucking small. I don’t know how in the hell she survived Ezra for a year.

“You’ll find someone someday,” Lee says quietly.

I don’t realize I’m staring at Ezra and Maya until he sits beside me.

I grunt. “What are you talking about?”

Lee chuckles. “You don’t have to hide from me, brother. I see the way you’re looking at them. You want someone that you can take care of the way he takes care of her.”

I don’t say anything. It’s true. I want it so badly it drives me insane. I miss the intimacy, the companionship…

Thesex. Jesus Christ, I miss sex. This is going on almost a year without it, and I feel like I’m going to explode at any moment.

When I first saw Maya, I wanted to take her right there in the middle of the grocery store parking lot. She’s so beautiful.

She would be even prettier on her knees before me, tears streaking her cheeks as she chokes on my cock.


I casually clasp my hands over the front of my pants as Ezra stands up. For the first time in a year, he looks genuinely happy, even though the little girl has made it perfectly clear she wants nothing to do with him. I know my brother, and I know that he’s not going to stop until he makes her fall in love with him again.

“You’re smiling like a kid with cake,” I tease, smirking.

Ezra laughs, then turns to make sure he didn’t wake Maya. He motions for the three of us to move to the other side of the cabin so we don’t disturb her. He pulls the curtain closed so she can have some quiet while she sleeps.

“So,” Lee starts, sitting down in the seat across from Ezra and me, “what do we do now?”

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