Page 81 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I scour the internet, reading article after article. His case is still open, and the police have gone to the public asking for any leads possible. I’d turn over what I have in a heartbeat if it would do any good, but it wouldn’t. It isn’t nearly enough to get Christopher arrested and held without bond.

If this isn’t a slam dunk, Christopher will have the opportunity to come after me. I can always testify against him about what he’s told me, but only if I’m alive to do it. I’m too scared to risk him getting off on bond. He has too many powerful connections, and unless the evidence is so damning no one can refute it, he’ll get bond.

Most of the articles I find are things I already know. I have an idea of where to go, but I need to get a burner phone to do it. Before I can put much thought into it, I hear a car door close. I walk to the window to see if it’s Irene but find Jack instead. I wave, and he gives a little one back, turning and walking into the main house.

Within a few seconds, Irene pulls in, and I go out to meet her. She has more bags than I expected and a newspaper is tucked under her arm. I grab what I can, and we both head up the stairs.

“This is too much stuff. Let me give you some money.” I reach for my purse.

“Hush, child. It’s no bother to me. Just take the gift and say thank you.” She arches an eyebrow at me.

I purse my lips, deciding this isn’t a battle worth fighting. “Thank you very much, Irene.”

“There. That wasn’t so hard, was it? I grabbed a newspaper at the store. I’ll look through it tonight. I doubt there will be anything in it though,” she says casually.

She doesn’t understand the media attention Christopher garners. How could she though? She doesn’t know who I am. I nod another thank you and get to work unloading all the groceries. It’s enough to feed any army, certainly too much for a single person.

“Let me help you with your hair before I go.” Irene pulls out the dye and grabs an old towel left in the closet. That reminds me that I need to pick up more towels and wash clothes. I have a running list in my head.

I drag a chair over to the kitchen sink, and we get started.

“Give it to me straight, kid. How much danger are you in?” Irene asks out of nowhere.

“I don’t know how to answer that. I’m not ready to talk about it.”

“You don’t have to tell me anything, but I need to know how bad this is. On a scale of one to ten. One being no danger at all and ten being defcon one, what are we dealing with?” She speaks with a calmness that is almost unnerving.

“A solid seven if I don’t find a way out of it.” I swallow harshly and close my eyes so I don’t have to see her face.

She audibly inhales, taking her time to respond. “Okay, okay. I need you to promise me you’ll tell Jack if that scale goes up. Hell, I think we should tell him now…” I start to protest, but she continues. “I know you aren’t ready, and I’ll respect your wishes for as long as I can. But listen… if I think danger has reached your doorstep, I’ll tell him myself.” Conviction rings in her voice.

I nod and whisper, “Okay.”

She pats my shoulders before putting on the gloves and dying my hair. Nearly an hour later, we finish, and I hop in the shower while Irene heads out to give me some peace and privacy.

I make myself a sandwich and try to dig up more on Swank. I plan to walk to the store tomorrow to get a phone. That’s the only way the next step will work.

“Please, please work,” I say as I hold up my hands in a prayer.

Chapter 27

Thenextmorning,Iwake at 4:15 am. The early mornings have grown easier, but I’m still not totally used to it.

My morning routine is still the bare minimum. I wash my face, put on a modest amount of makeup, and dress comfortably. I’ve never dressed down this much for any job I’ve had. I’ve always had a position that required dress clothes. I didn’t think I would like working at the café because part of me loves to dress up, but this has been a welcome change. It feels more like me, more in line with the painter I would love to be full time.

I walk out the door earlier than normal since I have a longer walk. As I come down the stairs and round the bottom of the garage, I find Jack sitting in his truck, the engine idle.

He rolls his window down. “Morning! Hop in.”

I’m a little shocked he’s up, let alone out here waiting for me, but what am I supposed to do? Say no when he’s already out here waiting? No way. It’s pretty cold this morning.

I go around the truck and open the passenger door before hopping in.

“I wasn’t expecting a ride this morning. You didn’t have to get up for me.” A shy smile curves my lips.

He looks over briefly, his eyes taking in my jeans, tennis shoes, and puff jacket. “I have the early shift today. My schedule can be kind of unpredictable because I’m the only full time detective in town. It’s no problem to drop you off. Plus, I’m hoping I can talk you into a coffee before the café opens.”

He looks in my direction and a breathtaking smile splits his perfect face. I suck in a sharp breath. That smile is everything, and I feel like each one is more beautiful than the last. I blink and try to focus on how good that smile makes me feel.
