Page 32 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Why am I just hearing about it?”

“Because we decided to go at the last minute,” he huffs in an exasperated tone, like he’s aggravated to answer my questions.

I don’t want to annoy him anymore, and I already know he isn’t going to the Bahamas.

“I’m just surprised is all, and I’ll miss you.”

His face softens slightly at that, and he heads over to the bed to give me a gentle peck on the lips.

“I know, babe. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I really need this trip.”

“I get it; it’s been a stressful week. Go, have fun,” I say as I get out of bed and get ready for the day.

“Thanks, babe. I’ll call you. Love you,” he says as he grabs his bag and heads out the door.

He’s gone before I can say love you back, and I find myself relieved by that.

Addy and I can’t waste the time we have while they’re gone. It’s the perfect time for a more thorough search of his office.

I can’t get into his work office downtown, and I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to leave anything there. I shower and get dressed, taking my time to make sure he’s gone and not popping back in before I head upstairs to his office.

Upon first look, nothing seems out of place. I check the secret compartment first to see if he added anything else. What I find is an empty folder, and I’msorelieved I got copies when I did because they’re gone now.

I thoroughly inspect the desk over for more hidden compartments, and I don’t find any. He doesn’t really have any other furniture in the room. The bookshelf is my best bet to find something else, so I start there next.

I’m determined to open every book here and search the shelf as well.

Starting at the top left corner, I work my way across. What feels like an hour passes with me finding nothing. I’m getting discouraged, thinking I might have found everything that’s here. But since I haven’t yet checkedeverybook, I keep going.

After opening five more books, I finally find another that’s been hollowed out, just like the one with the key.Holy shit!There’s a cell phone sitting inside that I don’t recognize. Fumbling to get it out, I almost drop it on the floor.

What do we have here, Christopher?

I have to power it on, and when I do, a string of texts pop up. They flood the phone so quickly I have trouble reading each one. They get more and more aggressive with each one that comes in. There are two unknown numbers. I read through each one on the notification screen.

“Hey, where are you? I thought we were meeting at 12.”

“Where the fuck are you?”

“Answer me, dammit!”

“It’s done. Final payment is expected within 2 hours. Don’t be late.”

I drop the fucking phone like it’s on fire. I have to get this phone unlocked and figure out what else is on it. He’s using a freaking burner phone like he’s a spy or some shit. Then again, I guess one can never be too careful when hiring a hitman.

At this point, I don’t feel like I know him at all because every new thing I find out blows my mind. None of it even seems like a possibility, but it’s real.

The phone has a four-digit passcode, and I try all the obvious codes. 1234, 4321, 0000, 1111, and nothing works. I need to be careful because I only get so many chances before it’ll lock me out.

Next, I try his birthday in any combination I can think of with no luck. For shits and giggles, I try mine and that’s a big fat nope. The phone locks me out for one minute.

Okay, think.

What could it be if it’s not a birthday or generic passcode? I don’t have many more chances before it locks me out permanently. I need to figure out what’s on this phone. It could be everything Addy and I need to ensure our safety.

I blow out a frustrated huff and shake my hands out. I have an idea, and I’m praying with everything I have that it works. My fingers are trembling with a mix of nerves and excitement. I type in2525and hold my breath.

I can’t believe it when the home screen opens to a generic background. I squeal in excitement before rushing to grab my phone so I can take pictures of everything I find.

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