Page 128 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I grind down on his cock as hard as I can, trying to find relief from the inferno threatening to consume me whole if I don’t release it. I moan in response to the little friction I can get with both our pants still on.

Suddenly, I’m being flipped in the air with my back landing softly on the mattress. Jack hovers above me, his forearms and biceps flexing under the strain of holding his body weight off me.

I run my hands up his arms, circling around his neck and down his rock-hard chest and abs. A dark dusting of hair leads to that scrumptious V I want to run my tongue through. I dip my hand down past his waistband, ready to take the next step.

He grabs my hand, stilling me before moving it above my head and holding it firmly.

I smirk as my other hand follows the same path as before, making it slightly closer to his cock. Jack shifts back, grabbing and moving that hand as well to join the other.

“Nuh-uh, naughty girl. I have a lot more exploring to do. You’ll be begging for me to let you climax, baby,” he says just as he dips his head to my chest, lifting my shirt to plant small kisses all the way down to my breasts.

I squirm in response to his words, lifting my hips to try to meet his. My legs are splayed open, his thick legs pinning them open wide and leaving me exposed for the taking.

He grinds down hard, and I cry out just as he reaches my left breast. My nipples are already hard and waiting. He takes his time, circling and playfully biting at it before he sucks the entire thing into his mouth. My back arches, pushing my breast further into his mouth as I moan loudly.

He takes his time before making it over to the other breast. He moves at a painstakingly slow pace. My skin feels like it’s on fire. I roll my hips in a circular motion to find some relief, which only adds gas to the fire.

His lips trail down my stomach, his tongue swirling in my belly button before working his way back up. I anxiously await kissing him again.

Watching him crawl up my body is one of the sexiest moments of my life. I pant with anticipation. Something about knowing our plan is in the works frees my mind. I’m one step closer to having my life back, and I don’t want to wait one more second to feel again.

For weeks and weeks, all I felt was anger and despair—until Jack. Until his smile stirred something in my soul. Until his gorgeous eyes awakened a need. His laugh warms me from the inside out and don’t get me started on his kisses.

I close my eyes, vivid color bursting under my eyelids in the most beautiful display I’ve ever imagined. I store that away for later, when I can get my hands on a paintbrush.

He finally reaches my mouth, covering it completely with his. I moan with relief, needing his lips everywhere.

“Please,” I beg as I grind against him. I’m desperate for more, desperate to feel all of him.

“Are you sure, baby?” he asks. It almost sounded painful for him to speak.

“I’ve never been so sure of anything.”

The dam on his restraint breaks, and he moves so fast I can barely keep up with his movements. He releases my hands to take off my shirt. The moment he tosses the material away, I wrap my arms around his muscular back, sighing at the sensation of his bare chest against mine.

“You’re going to be the death of me. You are so beautiful I can barely stand it.” His voice is low, dangerous, but I can still feel the emotion in it.

He rises to his knees, his hands going to my bottoms before inching them down slowly.

“I want to savior every damn moment of this.” The heat in his eyes grows as he intently watches every exposed inch of my body.

He stops at the apex of my thighs, and I squirm under his scrutiny leaning up to yank him back down.

“Patience, baby. We have all night, and I don’t plan to sleep,” he says with a wicked smirk on his face.

Oh, yes. Please, more!is all I can think.

My mind short circuits with every new sensation. He gets my pants all the way off and trails kisses up my legs before stopping at my core. He breathes in, and seeing it only makes me wetter.

I don’t sleep in panties, so I’m spread bare before this man. I’m more than ready to feel him move inside me.

I reach down to his pants and smirk, “I think we forgot something.”

I push them down over his rounded ass and use my feet to push them further. He helps me the rest of the way.

We’re now skin to skin. Unable to resist any longer, I reach down to palm his hardened length. He’s huge, far larger than I expected. My thumb finds a drop of precum at the tip, and I smear it over the thick mushroom head of his cock, delighting in the sound of him groaning in pleasure.

He pulls away, and I mumble my displeasure at that. He looks up, smirking. “We’ll have time for that later, but right now, I need to taste you.”
