Page 102 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Well, we have well done scrambled eggs and some crunchy toast ready to go. Come on.”

He turns to two plates, loads them up, and takes them to the kitchen table. He sits the plates down as I ask about silverware. He directs me to the right drawer, and I grab two forks and join him at the table.

“How are you holding up?” he asks gently.

I shrug my shoulders in response and dig into my eggs. It’s uncomfortable to grab the fork because of my hand. There are slight burns on my palm from grabbing the doorknob when I was trying to get out last night. I know better than to grab a doorknob like that when there is a fire, but in my confusion and overwhelming desire to get out of that burning apartment, I forgot every bit of fire safety I’ve ever learned.

My throat hurts and my hand aches but at least I’m alive. For that I’m beyond grateful to Jack. Without him I don’t know if I would be sitting here at his dining room table eating burnt toast and overdone scrambled eggs. I don’t have an appetite, but I know I need to eat something. He has juice on the table, and I take a sip. My throat burns as the liquid hits it, and I wince in response, followed by another round of coughing.

Jack clearly notices my discomfort because he jumps up from the table and goes to get two Tylenol from a cabinet in the kitchen.

He comes over to hand them to me. “Here, maybe this will help.”

I whisper out a thank you before I try to swallow them down with the juice. Everything just hurts. My heart, my body, my soul.

I never in a million years would think this is how my life would turn out. On the run from my fiancé because he’s tried to kill me twice now. Reported missing so my fiancé can use the legal manhunt in his favor to find me. Being found and putting all my closest friends in danger.

It’s a doozy for sure, and now I’ve pulled Jack, Irene, and Charlie into it.

“Where did you just go again?” Jack asks as he reaches across the table, wrapping his hand around mine.

“I’m overwhelmed, and I feel so guilty for involving all of you.” I rasp out.

He squeezes harder. “Hey, what did I say last night?”

“I know. I know, but that’s easier said than done. I can’t just let it go! He’s taken so much from me already and now this!”

I’m angry, pissed, and so hurt. It’s hard to encompass it all. I feel like it’s just sitting there, bubbling and churning in my gut, ready to explode.

“We’re going to nail this guy to the wall, Andi. I promise you that,” Jack says in a deadly calm voice.

I search his eyes for any hesitation or signs that he doesn’t believe that. I find none.

“Where do we start?” I ask.

He studies me while chewing his food. He swallows. “We need to dig deeper into that dead guy’s financials first. Then tie that to Christopher. I don’t think it will be a far leap. If we have Christopher tied to Swank’s money scheme and the texts hiring the hitman found in his office, we can go to the police in Sacramento,” he says.

I nod, knowing that sounds like the best course of action. My stomach protests the thought of going to Sacramento, though.

“And the fire?” I ask.

“I got just got off the phone with my captain earlier.” He runs his hands through his hair from aggravation, and I brace myself for whatever he’s about to say. “The fire department and marshal plan to rule the fire an accident. They believe the outside light by your door caused it. They’re calling it an electrical fire due to faulty wiring. It’s clear accelerant was used, but they missed that. I saw a partially melted bottle of charcoal lighter fluid under the stairs, but I’m not going to point it out to them. We need their attention off us so we can get to the bottom of this.”

I’m finished eating, though the plate still has some left. I slide my plate away and pull my legs into my chair. I hug my knees and rest my forehead against them. Jack gets up from his chair, and seconds later, he crouches in front of me.

“Hey, look at me,” he says softly. I turn my head, letting my eyes meet his, though the side of my face still rests against my knees. “You’re going to get your life back, and I can keep you safe until then.” He rubs his hands on either side of my legs.

I place my hand over his and pull it to my chest, holding tight.

“I know, Jack. I know you can, and I know I’ll get my life back. I know we’ll have enough evidence to put him behind bars…” I pause. I don’t want to admit the next part. “I also know I’ll have to go to court and face him again. I’ve never thought of myself as particularly brave, but I’m certainly not a coward. Yet the idea of facing him turns my stomach, so maybe Iama coward.” When I finish that awful thought, I’m still holding his hand in mine.

Jack rises to stand beside me, leaving his hand in mine. My eyes trail over his bare chest and meet his eyes, his face stern now.

“The coward is the man who put his hands on you. The man who stole money from unsuspecting victims who trusted him. The man who’s pulling the wool over the eyes of the people voting that crook into office based off his lies. You, Andrea, were not only courageous enough to leave, but to continue working to stop him. Keeping yourself safe while you gather evidence is self-preservation; it’s smart, not cowardice.”

He pulls me to stand in front of him, placing my hands on his bare chest. “And I don’t want to hear you call yourself a coward again, okay?”

I’m taken aback by the gentleness in his voice. “Okay,” I whisper, unable to project my voice right then. My arms wrap around him, my hands now pressing against his back to pull his body against mine. He tightens his arms around me, and I find comfort in his arms. I still myself there, holding onto this moment.

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