Page 36 of Kieran

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The men dispersed. Kieran walked to the door, eager to return to Brooklyn’s side. He hoped to make their time together enjoyable and full of laughter, not just sex. He wanted to learn as much as he could about Brooklyn—to see him smile was something Kieran relished.

He jumped into his car and drove across the city, cursing the traffic and all the orange barrels in his way. Why did the city wait until spring to plop them on the roads? They were a pain in the ass to get around and congested the already thick traffic.

Kieran had wanted to call Brooklyn and let him know he was heading back, but his mate had angrily destroyed his cell phone. With the sun setting and the city becoming shrouded in darkness, Kieran’s grip on the steering wheel tightened as his thoughts drifted to Blaine once more.

Had Brooklyn not been there, Kieran would have definitely ended the human’s life. Just imagining Blaine’s hands on Brooklyn was enough to make Kieran grit his teeth. Even though he’d contained himself during the fight, under different circumstances, he knew he could have easily killed Blaine.

The traffic finally started moving again, but slowly. This was going to be one long-ass drive.

Chapter Ten

Brooklyn had just taken a shower and thrown some sweatpants and a T-shirt on when he heard the front door open. Frowning, he walked to the living room and froze. He had no idea who the guy was. The stranger was of average height with a slender build and the darkest eyes Brooklyn had ever seen. The guy didn’t even try to move. He simply stood by the door.

Then he slowly closed it.

Brooklyn’s heart was racing as he took a step back. He didn’t know what to do or say. He was alone in the apartment, and this stranger had just walked in unannounced. “Who are you?” he asked, trying to sound brave.

The man didn’t answer. Instead, he took a step forward, and Brooklyn took another step back. He felt a cold sweat beginning to form on his forehead. He had no idea what this man wanted, but he knew he had to protect himself.

“Stay back,” Brooklyn warned, his voice shaky.

When the guy took another step, Brooklyn spun and tried to run away, but the guy grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

The stranger was so close to him that Brooklyn could feel his breath on his face. He smelled of... Brooklyn couldn’t identify the smell, but it was nauseating. He reached out and trailed his fingers down Brooklyn’s neck, sending shivers through his body. Brooklyn closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing.

“Open your eyes,” the stranger whispered.

Brooklyn obeyed, his eyes meeting the stranger’s dark ones. The guy just stared at him, his eyes seeming to bore into Brooklyn’s soul. “I’m here to talk to you about the other night.”

“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you,” Brooklyn said.

“Oh, but you do.” The guy’s gaze lowered to Brooklyn’s neck. “We know each other intimately.”

Oh fuck! Was this the vampire who attacked Brooklyn by his car? The one who had tried to drain him dry? His heart kicked into high gear as he tried to move away from the stranger. “You’re the one who attacked me,” he accused, fear evident in his voice.

The man smirked, his lips curling up into a sinister smile. “You catch on quick, don’t you?” he said, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Brooklyn’s mind raced as the vampire took a step back as if he wasn’t worried that Brooklyn would run. “Why are you here?” Brooklyn asked, trying to sound calm.

“I’m here to finish what I started,” the vampire said, lunging toward him.

Brooklyn stumbled sideways, tripping over the shoes he’d kicked off earlier and falling to the floor. He scrambled to his feet, but the vampire was too quick. He grabbed Brooklyn’s arm, pulling him toward him.

“No!” Brooklyn wrenched his arm free and took off for his bedroom. He needed to get his pepper spray. It worked last time. If he had known the vampire would track him down, Brooklyn would have put the spray in every room in his home.

As Brooklyn reached for the nightstand drawer where he kept his pepper spray, the vampire caught up to him. He grabbed Brooklyn’s hair and yanked him back, making him cry out in pain. Brooklyn tried to fight back, but the guy was stronger than him. He grabbed Brooklyn’s wrists and pinned them above his head.

“Let me go!” Brooklyn screamed, struggling against the vampire’s hold. He needed to get to his pepper spray, but he couldn’t move. Not when his wrists were held so tightly that he feared the circulation would be cut off.

The vampire leaned in close, his lips brushing against Brooklyn’s ear. “You tasted so sweet that I had to come back for more,” he muttered, his breath warm against Brooklyn’s skin. “I also had to pay you back for dousing me in that fucking spray.”

Brooklyn shuddered, trying to pull away from the tight grasp. He was terrified, but he refused to give up. He had to keep fighting. He couldn’t let this bastard try to kill him again.

He did the only thing he could think of. Brooklyn shoved his knee as hard as he could into the stranger’s groin.

The vampire grunted, doubling over. “You fucking asshole!” he yelled, releasing Brooklyn’s hands to clasp his crotch.

Brooklyn didn’t wait around. He ran from his room, heading straight for the door.
