Page 15 of Come Back to You

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Every timeI see you on TV, I can’t help but wonder if you’ve become one of those phony people who look down on others and throw their money around to get what they want. - Unsent text message from Liam to Kennedy

I didn’t seeKennedy all weekend. It was a goddamn miracle. On Monday, I got to the fire station ten minutes early and made semi-decent coffee for my workmates. If I’d let Asher or Zane have the honors, we’d be drinking instant crap diluted to the point of being flavored water. Igor had reasonable taste, but he was notorious for being late, so I couldn’t count on him to keep us supplied with the good stuff at the beginning of a shift. I farewelled the night-shift guys as they packed up and headed out with red eyes and sleepy faces.

“You’re the best person I know,” Asher announced as he strode into the staff room and breathed in the scent of dark blend. “One day, I’m gonna name my firstborn son after you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I grinned. “Drink up, Heaton. You’ll need it, or I’ll kick your ass in the weight room.”

He flipped me off and poured himself a mug.


I snapped to attention at the sound of Parks’ voice. My boss was standing in the doorway, a keep cup from Taste of Destiny in one hand. “Yes, sir?”

“My office.”

Nick whistled under his breath as Parks disappeared down the hall. “What did you do?”

“No idea.” I followed Parks into his personal office, a small shabby room with a wooden desk that was probably as old as me and a stack of paperwork that made me feel dizzy just looking at it. I loved my job and had no ambition to rise to his rank. I’d much rather be out in the field and hanging with the guys than sitting behind a desk, navigating this mountain of bureaucracy.

“Have a seat, Braddock.”

I did as he asked. “Is something wrong, sir?”

He pursed his lips, studying me with an intensity that made me edgy. Something bad was about to happen—I knew it. “You have a ride-along today.”

“Oh.” My shoulders relaxed. That wasn’t so bad. I’d done a few of those, and they were usually fine. “Is it a kid who wants to be a firefighter?”

“Not quite.”

My hackles rose. I didn’t like his tone. “Then who?”

Parks sighed and steepled his hands on the desk. “We’ve received a very generous donation from Kennedy Carter, but it’s contingent on her spending the day shadowing you. She says she wants to see how her money is going to be spent.”

White hot fury tore through me.

I stood up, planting my feet wide, my hands clenched at my sides. “She can’t do that!”

Parks shrugged. “It’s her money. She can do what she likes with it.”

“But she’s trying to buy time with me!” My chest burned with anger. I leaned over the desk toward Parks. “Come on, boss. You know that’s what she’s doing.”

“Sit down, Braddock.” His tone was icy cold. I sat. “You need to put your personal feelings aside. If Kennedy wants to pay for the privilege of your company, that’s fine by me. She’s donating enough for us to upgrade our gear and systems. Think how many more people we’ll be able to help if we’re better equipped.”

My nostrils flared and the muscle in my jaw ticked as I fought the urge to argue. He was right. He’d been trying to get funding to improve our facilities for years now, with no luck. If I refused to cooperate and the station lost out on that money because I didn’t want to share space with my ex, that would be pretty damn petty of me.

But I didn’t like it.

She was trying to manipulate me and get her way by throwing money around. The girl I remembered wouldn’t have done that. The Hollywood life in her beloved City of Angels had warped her.

“Why can’t she shadow one of the others?” I asked.

“Because she requested you specifically.” Parks sighed and rubbed his temples. Suddenly, he looked weary. “Liam, I won’t order you to do this. That’s not the kind of boss I am. We need to be able to trust each other in high stress situations, and you won’t be able to do that if I force you into anything. But please consider how much good we could do if you agree.”

My stomach sank. Damn, he was talented at making people see things his way.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “Just for one day.”

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