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The houses got bigger and the manicured lawns fancier. Tessa’s nerves grew right along with them. It seemed like only moments before Flynn turned down a quiet street with stone fences and gates surrounding most of the houses.

When Flynn turned into the drive, they found it locked with a buzzer system. Tessa blew out a breath and nodded.

Flynn pressed the buzzer. A man's voice responded. “Yes.” Not even a question, more of a statement.

When Flynn opened his mouth to speak, she squeezed his arm and leaned closer to the window. “This is Tessa Flores. I’m here to speak with my grandfather.”

There was no response. She wondered if she should have used her former name, but it didn’t fit anymore. She wasn’t Catalina Blanco, hadn’t been for a very long time. After all that had happened over the past week, it seemed impossible Grigor wouldn’t know the name she now used.

Finally, the voice responded. “Park in front of the steps. Be prepared for a security check.”

The gate slid soundlessly open and Flynn drove through. They drove through a parklike lawn until the trees opened up to show an enormous house. White. Cold. She’d bet this house wasn’t a home either.

Three men waited. Two at the bottom of the stairs, one at the top. All tall, strong, and armed.

Flynn squeezed her hand as he turned off the engine. “We’ve got this. Show how strong you are. Wait until I open your door.” Then he leaned over and kissed her quickly.

She felt silly sitting in the car while he got out. He made eye contact with all the men while he walked easily around the hood and to her door. He opened it and smiled at her while he held out his hand to her.

She took it, blew out a breath, and stood. They turned and looked at the men. They all wore blank faces and one stepped forward. “Any weapons?”

They both shook their heads, but Flynn spoke. “My gun is in the glove compartment. It’s locked.”

“I need to pat you down.”

Flynn stepped forward and stood with his arms to the side and an open stance. When the man was done, he turned to Tessa. She copied Flynn’s stance, glad she was wearing jeans and not a dress. The man was quick, like a pat-down at the airport. Nothing invasive or creepy.

The inane thought that at least her grandfather didn’t hire lecherous thugs almost made her smile. Almost.

“Follow me. Do not touch anything or anyone.”

Okay then.

Flynn took her hand again and they followed the man into the big, cold house.

Flynn had walked through his share of multi-million dollar homes in his years as an agent, and this one was near the top of the scale. Lots of art and rugs that probably each cost more than he’d make in his lifetime.

And he’d trade it all for the room he shared at Midnight Lake with Tessa. Nothing here screamed home or family. Had Tessa’s home been like this? Cold and without a soul?

He wondered again at how she’d turned out to be such an amazing woman. She’d had so few role models, but she’d succeeded in overcoming her past.

No wonder he was head over spurs in love with her. He lifted their joined hands and kissed her fingers. She looked at him, eyes wide.

He grinned at her. “Just remembering why I love you so damn much. You’re amazing.”

Her eyes softened and she reached up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips. “So are you.”

The two guards who remained in the foyer with them didn’t react to their exchange, but kept their attention firmly on them in case they’d snuck in a grenade or poison.

The head guard returned from down a hallway. “This way.”

They followed him but didn’t get much more of a view of the rest of the house. The man stopped at the first door and opened it, preceding them in to protect anyone inside from a potential threat. The other two followed a few feet behind.

The room was an office with a huge wooden desk that was designed to make the occupant the center of attention. Not a speck of dust would dare rest on the polished surface that held nothing. No evidence to be found if nothing was on display. Not that Flynn had expected the man to leave out incriminating documents.

Behind the desk, Grigor Pavic rose but didn’t extend his hand. He remained behind the desk, in front of the window. A typical power position used by those wanting to intimidate. It always made Flynn roll his eyes.

The man stood about six feet tall, styled steel grey hair, tailored suit that rivaled the rugs for cost. His hard eyes softened slightly as he stared at Tessa.

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