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I think back on the challenge. “Uhh, she said she challenged me?” When Gus lifts his eyebrow, I think harder.

“I, Elena Hatt, challenge the Drákon Heir in single combat.”That’s what Elena said when she issued the challenge, she never mentioned me specifically. I’m the one who created that path when I picked up the gauntlet.

Looking at Gus, I study his blue eyes. Trying to see how he feels about this, but the answer isn’t in his sockets, so I woman up and ask, “Do you want to be the one fighting her?”

He clenches his jaw so hard I'm worried he’ll crack a tooth. “I do,” he barks, anger palpable in his voice. “She might be my relative, but she’s not my family. You are.” There’s such a finality in his words that I decide not to question it.

Truthfully, I think I understand what they’ve tried to show me, and begged me to hear. We’re a team, one for all, et cetera. If Gus feels this is his fight, then who am I to take that from him? Of course, I’ll hate every minute of it, even though I’m beyond certain he can take her. However, if I enter the ring, they’ll be worried about me. Is my need to be in charge bigger than my love for them?

Hell. No.

Ishouldfeelguiltywhen I look at the bruises that are marring Cia’s beautiful skin. All I feel is turned on as the leg that’s thrown across Kai’s waist exposes her cunt lips to me. Her long black and blue hair is sprawled across her head, making it look like a curtain.

During our sleep she’s somehow managed to get as close as possible to all of us, contorting her luscious body in awkward ways. Her head is resting on Liam’s chest, her leg is wrapped around Kai’s, and her ass is pressed against me.

She mumbles in her sleep when Kai’s hand slowly inches up her leg and cants her head so her lips almost touch Liam’s throat.

How long has it been since I’ve taken the time to really look at her? Study her, with no interruptions? It’s been too long, that’s for sure. I’m making up for that by silently letting my eyes wander across every bit of her. From the tips of her curled toes to the top of her head. I memorize it all.

“I can feel you watching me.” Her voice is husky, heavy with sleep. “Are you admiring your handy work?” She lifts her head and turns it towards me, smirking.

It’s a hollow expression, and I know it’s because she’s feeling vulnerable. I can’t say I blame her. We broke her yesterday, and I don’t regret a fucking minute of it. It was needed—Cia needed to unlock that last part of herself that even Liam and I didn’t know she was hiding until Kai pointed it out.

“Don’t do that,” I order, furrowing my brows as I try to keep my tone light. When she squeezes her eyes shut, I decide she deserves my honesty and vulnerability as well. “Yesterday was… it was needed, Cia. You’ve hidden for so long, and you’re so good at it. Please don’t hide from us anymore.”

She swallows audibly, her eyelids fluttering like she’s fighting the urge to open them. “You better not turn on me again, Gus. I don’t think I could survive it. Not now that—” Her voice quavers at the last part, and I watch completely transfixed as her white teeth bite into the soft, supple skin of her lips.

Even though she didn’t say it, I heard it. She wouldn’t survive it now that she’s fully, irrevocably given every part of herself to the three of us. It makes me wonder if it’s a new realization for her as well, or if she already knew. I don’t ask since the answer won’t change anything. Besides, I’d rather look forward than back.

Leaning forward and cupping her face, I’m loving the way she leans into my touch. “Never,” I vehemently vow. “I might be a slow learner, but I still learn from my mistakes. We’re in this together, whatever it is.”

Her eyes shine with unshed tears, and I wish she would let them fall so I can lick them from her skin. “I hate that you’re going to fight Elena,” she whispers, solemnly. Pain is visible in her gray eyes. “I just… Gus I love you so much I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

“She’s not a threat to me, or to you. The only thing she’s threatening is your control,” I say, feeling like a dick for being so blunt. When Cia nods, I pull her away from Kai and Liam, and into my lap. “I love you more than anything else in this world, Cia. If death claims me today, I’ll still find a way back to you. After all, we know where the Doors of Death are, so you know where to find me.”

Cia chuckles softly and smiles weakly. “The Necromanteion,” she says, as though the location has to be clarified to eliminate any doubt that we’ll find each other again. “But I forbid you from dying, Gus. While we don’t share blood through our lineage, we share it through our love and passion.”

She wraps her arms tighter around me and presses her lips to mine in a fierce, bruising kiss. Our teeth clash while our tongues battle, snaking around each other. When I groan into her mouth, she pulls back. Then she blindly reaches behind her, rummaging behind Liam until she finds what she’s looking for.

Her lips curl in a wicked smile as she shows me one of Liam’s blades, wordlessly handing it to me as she says, “I want you to fight Elena with my blood pumping through your veins. I want to be with you every step of the way.”

I lick my lips as I contemplate where I want to cut her, but before I can decide, Kai stirs and sits up behind her. “Good morning,” he rasps, kissing down her neck and shoulders.

She trembles in my arms, arching closer to me as his hands cup her tits. “Hi,” she pants.

While he showers her back in kisses, her eyes never stray from mine. Not even when he bends and playfully bites her ass. “I’ll give you an hour,” he says. Then he stalks out of the bedroom without looking back.

Cia looks at Liam’s sleeping form, and I’m just about to ask if she wants to wake him when she instead gets out of the bed. “Let’s go to the bathroom,” she says, and I follow her into Kai’s massive bathroom.

If I thought my dad’s mansion was draped in luxury, it’s nothing compared to the Ruler’s. Everything is done in excess, which is fucking amazing when it comes to the showerheads. I’ve only used them a handful of times, but fuck me, each time I had to force myself back out.

While we wait for the bathtub to fill up, Cia rests against the marble counter. She’s gathered her long hair in a messy bun on top of her head, and she hasn’t bothered to shield her naked body.

“Tell me why,” she says, her eyebrows pinched together like she’s in pain.

I don’t need her to elaborate, I know what she wants to know. With a sigh, I rake a hand down my face before crossing my arms over my chest, widening my stance as I prepare myself for her not reacting favorably to what I’m about to say.

“It was never your fight, Cia.” I walk over to her, fingering a lock of hair that’s fallen from her bun. Pressing myself closer, I press her harder against the unforgiving marble. “You must think I’m a fucking idiot to try and pull the stunt you have prepared for—”

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