Page 27 of Cold as Ice

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Wives in heels and small kids in sneakers walked shakily out onto the ice, and I followed sure of my step, because this was second nature to me being on the ice in footwear other than skates.

Boone was lost in a sea of people and I searched for him until he skated up to me and wrapped his arms around me. We glided across the ice, his lips pressed against mine, forgetting that we were being watched by twenty-five thousand people plus millions of people on television. “You’re here.” He whispered when we pulled our mouths away from one another.

“You won the cup,” staring into his eyes, I fell madly in love with him all over again. It wasn’t because of the cup, it was because I was his world. I saw it on the screen when he saw me in the stands. None of this mattered to him unless I was with him.

“Where did you get that jersey?” He asked looking down.

“I dug it out of the attic. Boone, I want to be with you.” I beamed up at him.

“I figured as much since you were here,” he said, eyes as wide as the smile across his face. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering like they had been woken up from a long nap.

“I never wanted to be without you. Walking away was the hardest thing I had ever done. I knew it was for the best, but I just want you Boone.” Tears filled my eyes and he kissed me again. “Don’t you want your turn with the cup?” I asked sniffling, as we watched players trade it off and skate around the ice.

“You feel better in my arms than any cup ever will.” Rolling my eyes, I slapped him as Grover skated over to him and handed off the cup. If I thought the crowd was loud when he scored the goal, it was even louder as he made his lap around the rink. Boone stepped up today and pulled the team to the win. He would tell you it was a team effort, but his stick was the one to make the puck hit the back of the net. Reporters swarmed the team, and I backed off the ice and stood with his parents. Wrapping my arm around his mom, we cried together.

“Are you two really back together?” She whispered in my ear as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

“Yeah, we are.” I said, smiling ear to ear.

“Good, life is back to normal. You were meant to be together, you were meant to be in our family. It was destined for the stars,” she said as she took Boone’s dad’s hand and pulled him to her.

The crowds thinned, the party ended in the locker room, and I was standing at the doors waiting for him to come out when Grover came walking up to me.

“He wanted me to give you this.” He handed me a note. Opening the note, I read it and was confused.


Meet me at centre ice.

Grover handed me a pair of skates and smiled as he did. “Go get your man,” Sarah said as she and Grover walked out of the arena hand in hand.

Sitting down on the bench, I kicked off my shoes and put the skates on. Walking on to the ice level, I saw Boone standing in the middle of the rink. Stepping on to the ice, I glided effortlessly over to him and came to a stop.

“You skate like a figure skater,” he said, reaching out to hold my hands.

“I guess that’s because I am one.” I shrugged and smiled up at him.

“Yeah, even with all my efforts when we were younger to get you skiing like a hockey player. We’ve had a lot of good times in an empty rink.” His voice low in my ear made my skin break out in goose bumps.

“Pretty sure there are more cameras in this one than back home.” He laughed, and I turned to face him. He changed back into his suit and looked delicious, but smelled like Champaign and beer.

“You were late,” he said as he stared at my lips.

“I was. I’m sorry.” There was no excuse. A poorly timed day and not making our marriage a priority had caused this.

“All that matters is you were here.” Boone pulled me tighter to him. “Are you going to be here from now on?” He tried to hide the anxiety the question caused him and deep down, he was still that little boy who relied on me as his support. In this moment, I realized he needed me as much as I needed him. Maybe we had been destined in the stars. We had a lot to sort out, because I couldn’t put my career on hold every time he had a game, but right now, it didn’t matter. We had an entire off season to figure that out.

“I will always be here, Boone. I love you.” His smile made my heart soar. Reaching up, his thumb traced my lower lip as he pulled me toward him. Boone took my lips with his own and our kiss set my soul on fire. So much so, I expected the ice around us to melt.



The lightson the strip were as blinding as the lights on the red carpet tonight. Everything seemed to be more shiny, lit up and magical as I stepped out of the limo to a waiting Boone. Never in my recent life did I think I would attend the hockey awards on the arm of my estranged husband, turned husband again. Life has a funny way of changing the plans you make for yourself.

Cameras clicked, and photographers yelled our names. I felt like my head was on a swivel as I pasted on a smile and looked from one to the next. My stomach was full of nervous butterflies and passing out wasn’t an option. I could just imagine the headlines, and they weren’t good. Finally Boone tapped on my back, to signal it was time to move along. I’d ever been more grateful for anything in my life. Taking his arm, I stayed on the inside of him, which allowed me to slightly let my guard down.

As we stepped away from the red carpet, music and conversation replaced the silence. “Let’s find the table, then get a drink.” Boone said as he directed me toward the main Hal area.

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