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"And moth heart flower extract," I added. "Definitely can’t forget that."

Dremos picked up a can that rolled near his feet. "First aid supplies are in the third aisle. You won’t find moth heart here. The flower is rare on this planet."

My optimism was in danger of rolling into a dark corner like one of those toppled cans. "How rare?"

He thought for a minute. "My cousin liked to pick them when she was little. There might be some out by the gorge or another wild patch."

I should’ve known this wasn’t going to be easy. "Well, let me get the rest of the stuff on the list."

While I made my way to aisle three, I heard Varus and Dremos talking.

"Dremos, what have you been doing in the settlements? Lerun and the other soldiers left."

"Lerun wanted me to come with them to the caverns, but I couldn’t do it. I just didn’t have it in me to start over in the wild when the kingdom fell."

"It hasn’t fallen away completely. I plan to take it back from Isath, but I could use your help."

I smiled, listening to Varus admit his need for fellow soldiers and friends. The way the Racopians looked up to him and admired him showed that in addition to all the kingly bravado, he really was a good person who put others before himself.

Dremos restacked the cans on the shelves. "You have my word, I'll come to the caverns in a few days once I’m able to close up shop."

Varus helped him restock. "Won’t Isath’s guards notice?"

"You see how nearly everything on this side of the settlements is abandoned. I fight off the robbers every day. I’ll make it look like they finally got me."

"Be careful."

"I will. How are the soldiers preparing?"

"We can always use more recruits if you know of any."

"That bad, huh? I’ve got my work cut out for me."

I found another can that managed to roll far away from the others. I came back with it and boxes of first aid supplies in my arms. Varus gave me a hand.

"Need help carrying the whole store home with you?"

"I mean, if you’re offering." I presented him with my most innocent smile.

He kept his eyes on my lips. Their garnet fire flashed with a secretive, sensual emotion. He pushed my hood away from my ear when he bent down to take supplies from my hands. "That sweet little mouth is going to get you in trouble soon. Maybe even tonight."

He turned away from me before I had a chance to ask exactly what in the world that comment was supposed to mean. Then he resumed talking to Dremos as the general bagged up our supplies for the road. I stood there with my sweet little mouth half open, still trying to figure it out.


We arrived at the cavernswell after dark. Carting our bags of supplies and the expected arrival of Dremos to the camp in the following days, the trip home seemed lighter.

Home. Was that what I was calling the space I shared with Varus already?

"Let me stop at the infirmary first to put up the supplies."

"Okay, but I'm coming with you."

"Why?" I tossed a smirk up at Varus as he walked alongside me towards the infirmary. "Do nocturnal lizards go bump in the night on Racopia, too?"

"Is this your way of telling me you want a midnight snack?"

“It’s about two hours before dawn. More like breakfast, but I’ll wait until Aklan gets up."

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