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She was so close to me in bed. She smelled so good, too. What was that scent in her hair? I wanted to bury my face in it. There was nothing like it on Racopia.

But I kept my promise and stayed on my side. I tried not to let my wings touch her, either. I wondered if she truly had cold feet but decided not to test it. Those boots of hers were somewhere nearby.

I sat up in bed and looked at her. My night vision allowed me to see her curled up on her side. I pulled more of the covers onto her. Her body relaxed, and she stretched out her legs.

I wanted to do more than keep her warm at night. Too bad I couldn’t shut off the bond instinct or at least my sex drive that kept me noticing everything about her. The outline of her body beneath the covers, the scent of her hair and skin, her body heat.

I’d be lying to myself if I pretended her being a virgin didn’t turn me on. As I told her, I had no use for semantics. What I did understand was this beautiful, hard-headed human never knew what it was like to join her body with another. If she would have me, I would take my time with her, learn what pleased her. I wouldn’t rush. I longed to kiss and lick every sensitive part, feel her clench as I brought her to climax.

Could I bring her pleasure? I'd never been with a human woman. In a way, I was just as inexperienced.

I had to stop thinking about it tonight or she’d hear me running to the shower to turn on the cold water. I tossed in bed. I wanted to hold her and enfold her in my wings. Instead, I made sure they were pulled up tight against my back. I could expect to have a cramp in them in the morning.


For the next four nights, this was how I spent the night with Harper. She’d stay on one side of the bed while I tried not to fall out on the other. I’d sleep for a few fitful hours. Then I slipped out before dawn to get ready for another training day with the soldiers.

On the morning of the fifth day, Lerun beat me to the spot where we trained. He hovered in the air in a seated position, the only constant motion was the flapping of his wings keeping him suspended.

"Up early figuring out ways to torture the new recruits?" I asked him.

"Thinking. I enjoy gathering my thoughts during the quiet minutes before dawn."

"You talk like someone else I know who enjoys being in their head all the time."

He turned his head in my direction. "You speak of the human. You are close to her."

"You think so, do you?" I began lining up the training equipment.

Lerun came down to the ground. "Anyone with a brain can feel the energy in the room when the two of you occupy it."

"I’ll let her know we have to turn down the volume on our test of wills."

Lerun picked up the padded shields used for combat practice and laid them out on the opposite side. "Sounds like two bond instincts trying to get the other in line."

"How did you—?"

"As I said, anyone with a brain can feel the energy from you two, but not everyone takes the time to notice." He set the equipment upright and listened to see if it was steady. "I've learned to rely on more than one primary sense over the years since the volcano eruption took my sight."

I sensed the bonding instinct with Harper whether I was beside her or out here on the training grounds. It never left me now that Harper was in my world. I didn’t understand how she saw me in her dreams but dismissed it as coincidence.

A pain knifed at my chest so sharp I dropped the equipment.

"Varus, what’s the matter?" Lerun hurried over to me.

I managed to stand. My chest still ached as though punctured. "I’m fine, my friend. Just clumsy in the morning hours, is all."

He stooped down to help me collect the fallen equipment. "The only time you’re clumsy is when you have something on your mind."

"I’d prefer to focus on the soldiers today."

He sensed the wall I put up. "I understand. Old friends can be nosy at times."

"It’s good to know you care."

He helped me set up the last of the equipment. "I think it’s time we contacted Dremos."

"My former general? I'm surprised Isath didn’t try to recruit him."

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