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"Iam not taking a showerwith you, Varus."

"Then stand close while I get squeaky clean by myself." He kicked off his shoes and undid the button of his pants.

I covered my eyes. "A little warning next time."

His deep laughter grew distant. "Follow me before I put you over my shoulder again."

The kingly audacity. I attempted to think of a way out of this one. I came up short, seeing as how Varus would have no problems strolling back towards me in all his naked glory.

I peeked through the spaces of my fingers. Yes, indeed. The nakedness was glorious. His backend was taut and muscled, his legs looked like an Olympic track star. Was the front worthy of a gold medal, too?

I gaped at the empty shower stalls, burdened somewhat by the shame of my raunchy thoughts. Perhaps I would have better use of cold water after all.

I heard Varus turn on the water and curse. "By the ancestors, that’s cold."

I held my laughter in as I removed my boots and socks and crossed over the tile. I set the towels on a nearby bench and stripped down to my undershirt and panties. The deep breath I took did nothing to help calm my racing heart.Desperate measures. That’s all this is.I repeated the mantra. "Uh, remember to save some water for me." My eyes never left the floor. I stared at his toes when I got within a yard of them.

I swear I could hear him make a sound regarding seeing me in my skivvies. The soft patter of water falling on his skin and the floor tile kept me from determining whether the sound was positive or neutral.

"As I thought," he announced.

My southern accent kicked in as I grew annoyed by the whole situation. "Beg your pardon?"

"You’re much smaller without those big boots on."

I counted the tile to preserve my calmness and to keep from staring at him in the buff. "What is with you and my boots? I’ll have you know my stature matches most men in the military."

"That’s not much, if you ask me."

"I didn’t. Now, stop. You’re wasting water."

He shut it off. "What is this thing you call a navy shower?"

"It’s military slang for conserving water. Use just enough to get wet. Then turn it off while you lather up. Then turn it back on to rinse off."

I heard the click of the soap dispenser and a bit of shuffling. After about twenty seconds, the shuffling stopped. "Mmpf."

"Does ‘mmpf’ signal frustration in your language like it does mine?"

"Even this communal stall is too small for me to stretch out my wings to get soap on them."

"You need help getting squeaky clean?"

Varus’s feet got within inches of mine. "If you can take a few moments from your display of modesty."

I raised my head and looked straight in his eyes, making sure the visual journey from the ground up to there was a big grey blur. "I’m not modest, I’m a medic. This is nothing I haven’t seen before."

"Is that why you refuse to look down?"

If his big cocky grin was an indication of what else he was carrying, I was in trouble. Both my face and the area between my legs tingled from the sudden rush of blood beneath the skin’s surface. "If I have the strangest sense of humor, then you pick the weirdest times to tease me."

"With your shy reactions, it’s always a good time."

"Nonsense. I'm unbothered."

He put his face next to mine. Water dripped onto my shoulders from his wet hair. "You may be a medic, but you’re a terrible liar."

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