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Varus stretched his wings, making the warmth envelope our little camp. "He’s the reason why I'm here. Isath the Torn was one of my lieutenants, but he and his supporters believed he should sit on the throne in the Mountain Citadel. They made a plan. One night I was gathered with my soldiers at a camp like this. The next morning, I was seized and bound on a Quarek pod leaving the planet." Varus curled his fist as he stared off into the distance. "Isath did it for a price."

I couldn’t picture going to sleep among fellow soldiers and then being betrayed by them to wake up in the hands of the enemy. "That’s horrible."

"I intend to regain my throne and repay him."

He spoke as though I was no longer there. He blinked, witnessed me staring, and unclenched his fist. "You understand now why I'm not quick to accept anyone who calls themselves my ally."

"Believe me, I do. I hope in time you can trust the Wanderstar Fleet."

"I won’t waste my time with other Javorians who never contacted me until the problem came to rest at their door. My people have done well for centuries without their intervention. We will continue once I take back my throne."

"Why do everything on your own?"

"I trust myself. Isn’t that what you’re also taught in your military, to be self-reliant?"

"We’re also taught to work as a team." Fatigue tugged at every muscle and fiber in my body. I struggled to keep my head up. Arguing with Varus required more energy I didn’t care to expend. "Even leaders on our planet have advisors. The good ones do, anyway."

He got that amused look on his face again.

"I know I didn’t say anything funny."

"Perhaps you should’ve been part of a ruler’s counsel. You do give wise, if opinionated, advice."

I yawned. "Then who would be around to create a serum and jab you with it?"

"It still hurts." He griped, rubbing the spot where, admittedly, I could’ve been gentler administering the serum. "I confess, working together has helped us make it this far."


"I didn’t say I agreed with everything you said. This Fleet of yours, I need time to consider if I want to work with them. So far, I’m pleased they sent you here."

My eyelids grew heavy. "So long as His Majesty is pleased."

I caught the lingering smirk on his lips before my eyes closed.



Iwatched her sleep. Harper gave me much to think about.

Of course, I'd never let her know.

I rubbed the sore spot on my arm where she unceremoniously administered the second dose of the serum. I couldn’t fall asleep even if I wanted to. The sensation of angry stinging insects was always with me, digging inside my bloodstream. Whatever she put in the serum, I hoped this side effect was a sure sign of it working. So far, it caused the beast within to shrink into a dark corner.

I adjusted my wings to form a semicircle around Harper, making sure she was surrounded by the warmth I generated against the chilly night air. What did she say I came with again? A space heater.

My laugh came out. I clamped my mouth shut right afterwards. Harper turned on her side and remained asleep. My Javorian senses allowed me to hear her soft breathing. The ground was hardly fit to sit down on, let alone sleep. I could tell exhaustion took over her body.

I stretched my arms, thinking about holding her. It happened once. Was it hours ago? I’d long lost track of time on this planet, but the taste and feel of her lips was something that would stay in my mind.

My body intended to hold on to the memory, too. Even as I looked at her and thought of her fingers running through my hair, my cock swelled in my pants. I'd never kissed a human woman before. The bond instinct got stronger once I put my mouth on hers. She tasted sweet, her mouth warm.

My cock ached as I thought of tasting other warm, secret parts of her.

But she saw me at my worst. Covered in blood, feasting on the lizard’s life essence as though I were an animal myself, slaking my thirst. I caught the look of horror on her face. Harper may have been strong enough to give me the second serum dose without running away in fright. It didn’t mean she’d want to be anywhere close to me again.

I groaned as my bond instinct continued to nudge me in the other direction. No matter how I resisted, I couldn’t shake the thought that she was my mate.

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