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His words did little to ease my anxiety. It felt as though the tremor had come from the ground itself. Still, I reminded myself of our task to deliver this Bartie guy his replica orb. I nodded, reluctantly letting go of my concerns.

"Do you think anyone ever found the real orb for the museum?" The question was a passing thought, a brief respite from the incident we both experienced.

Before Klinn could respond, another tremor shook the ground, causing the crackling blue light to dance. In an instant, the energy field malfunctioned, and a sense of weightlessness engulfed me.

My feet left the ground. We found ourselves suspended in mid-air. A strange cocktail of fear and exhilaration surged through me as gravity ceased to exist, and our belongings started floating away, spinning in a chaotic ballet. I snatched Klinn’s backpack before it could get away.

His voice cut through the disorientation. "Reach for my hand." His words echoed in my ears, and without a second thought, I stretched out my hand towards him. The instant our fingers interlocked, a surge of warmth spread through me, grounding me in the midst of the weightless ether.

The initial fear began to give way to a sense of wonder as I adjusted to the absence of gravity. My body floated without effort, devoid of the familiar pull of gravity's grasp. It was an odd sensation, like being suspended between two worlds, untethered and liberated.

As I met his eyes, a spark danced within them. "Not so bad, is it?"

"This is not typical."

"That can be a good thing sometimes." He pulled me towards him.

The excitement and exhilaration were contagious, seeping into my veins and replacing any lingering trepidation. I found myself surrendering to the enchantment of weightlessness, embracing the freedom that came with surrendering control.

I let go of inhibitions and allowed myself to revel in the moment, even laughing with him once. "I can’t believe we’re doing this."

And then, in the middle of this wild ride, something shifted. Time slowed as Klinn’s eyes stayed on me, a silent invitation hanging between us. The rush of adrenaline was eclipsed by a different kind of intensity.

As if propelled by an invisible force, our bodies drew closer together until there was no space between us. The weightlessness magnified the connection, intensifying the fluttering of my heart. In the suspended moment, our lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss.

The world around us faded into the background as the sensation of our lips pressed together enveloped my senses. It was a collision of softness and warmth, a mingling of breaths and whispered promises. The weightlessness amplified every touch, every emotion, as if the universe itself conspired to draw us closer.

He ended the kiss by speaking. "I wanted to do that since we left Malecor."

"Me, too," I admitted, pushing through my shyness to get to my true feelings. "I have a weird question. What cologne are you wearing?"

"It’s pheromones." He lowered his head, with a charming look of chagrin. "You keep putting your lips on me and this whole area is going to smell like my attraction to you."

My stomach somersaulted after I finally learned the truth. Was that what I'd been breathing in and getting all tingly about, his alien pheromones? The idea got me excited and intrigued. I noted to myself for the record that, indeed, zero gravity had no effect on making a pussy stop throbbing.

I sensed a playful smile dance across my lips, a reflection of the excitement that bubbled within me. I felt a newfound confidence, knowing that I had evoked such a response in him. "I like the way you smell. Having it all around isn’t so bad to me." Since we were alone, and I wasn’t sure I would have changed my actions if we weren’t, I initiated another kiss.

But as the kiss went on, reality crashed back in, shattering the illusion of timelessness. The energy field surged back to life.

Klinn kept hold of me. "Brace for it."

Gravity returned with a forceful tug. We bobbed four or five feet in the air before we crashed to the ground. I landed on top of Klinn. We were in a jumble of limbs, laughter, and for me, tangled emotions.

"Those," I remarked, "are some pretty strong pheromones."

He looked up at me, his eyes hooded with silent yet explicit desire. "This is the first time I produced them."

"Are you telling me you’re a virgin? Yeah, right."

"No, I’m saying I never had attraction to a female before where my body made pheromones. Ventivores have sex, but bonding is a whole other attachment." Before I could respond, he put his arm around me and rose with me in tow. "We’d better get going. The next time the energy field goes off, it might carry us over the fence."

"Here’s your backpack. Hope we didn’t smush anything while we were up there."

He gave me a solid grin and set back out. As we readjusted to the solid reality beneath our feet, the energy field returned to its vibrant blue glow, and our mission to deliver Bartie’s orb replica lay before us.

As we ventured further, closing the half mile mark, passing through the crackling energy fields, a peculiar sight greeted my eyes. Nude statues adorned the landscape, their exaggerated features mocking the surrounding wilderness. Large urns filled with blue fire glass beads sparkled in the sunlight, casting an ethereal glow. It was a surreal sight. “You really do have eccentric clients.”

“That’s where the money is.”

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