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In case what? I already said I was going to help him search for Riven. I couldn’t help it. My mind was already trying to form an escape or Plan B if things went south. Although, I didn’t see any pods along the route so jumping out of this ship wouldn’t be useful if we weren’t already on solid ground.

I climbed down from the drop ladder of the ship onto the strip of the noisy space station Malecor. The air was thick with the sharp scent of rocket fuel and booze. Unlike the bright stalls of the Kajal market, the buildings and stalls around here were dark, coated with a thick grime of spacedust and dirt from probably an assorted mix of illicit activity.

The crowd passing by was as diverse as the people in Kajal. Most of them wore the same poker face as they shifted their gazes to their feet or in the distance, refusing to make eye contact except for the occasional quick frown.

I noticed Klinn’s movement. He shook his head at me. "What?"

His eyes roamed over my outfit, his sinful-shaped lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Your dress. It screams 'undercover agent.'"

I met him with a stern expression. "I'm here to find information, not to blend in with the criminal fashion trends."

He chuckled, his gaze shifting to the stalls and shops lining the streets. "Ah, but my dear, appearances matter in a place like Malecor. Trust me, we'll need to find you something that helps you move with the crowd."

I let the skepticism be heard in my voice. "And you're suddenly an expert on fashion with your sports hoodies and tight britches?"

"They happen to be athletic fit. I may not be an expert, but I do know a thing or two about moving in with the right crowd."

With that, he grabbed my hand and led me through the labyrinthine streets of Malecor. The sights and sounds were overwhelming — stalls filled with textured fabrics that brushed against my arms and made me itch, flashy accessories that made me blink and see stars, and series of clothes piles in multiple prints that made me dizzy trying to decipher. Smoke from a cookfire somewhere on the other side of the street made me choke.

After getting away from it, I tugged on his hand and stopped walking. "I need a second."

He scanned our area, looking for danger. "What is it?" His tone changed completely, going from joking to vigilant.

"New place. There’s a lot going on around me." I put my hands up close to my ears.

As I tried to conceal my reaction to the chaos, Klinn’s vigilant gaze transformed into concern. He moved closer to me and touched my hands before putting his own near my ears, muffling the sounds around us. He brought his face inches from mine. "It’s okay. You’re not by yourself here."

In a different place and time, I would’ve jumped back from close contact. Here, he supplied a cocoon from the noise, sights, and smells. His scent took over from the unpleasant ones. I took a couple breaths and felt my rising heart rate begin to slow.

I dropped my hands to my sides and looked away from him, emotion running through me. I thought I gained control of this years ago. Apparently not. "I’m good now."

He didn’t step aside. "Faye, it’s cool. You don’t have to hide anything."

What all did he see me do? I hated when this happened, and he saw it. "I’m fine."

I wanted the embarrassment to end. I dared to look at his face and saw the concern was still there, along with a compassionate warmth that softened the chiseled lines of his jaw. I gathered my composure as my anxiety receded.

"Thanks." I found it hard, even for a tiny fraction of a second, to hold eye contact with him while I stated my appreciation. I didn’t see this coming. "We can move on if you’re ready."

He walked by my side this time instead of slightly ahead of me. I noticed he kept close, not allowing anyone to walk between us. The more we moved through the station, the first commotion receded.

Klinn stopped in front of a general mercantile store. The front of the tiny shop had a rack overflowing with flamboyant attire. "This is where we'll find you a look that screams 'I belong here.'"

With reluctance, I followed him into the shop. A bored-looking cashier glanced at us from the register before he resumed picking at his nails.

We sifted through the array of clothes. I didn’t find anything I had the courage to put on. Klinn held up a jacket with neon patterns. "How about this? It's bold, and it'll make you the star of any sordid gathering."

His oddball humor caused a small smile to tug at the corners of my lips. "I'm not sure I'm ready to become the star of any gathering, Klinn."

His eyes housed a devious twinkle as he held up a sleek black ensemble. "Alright, how about something a little more understated? This whispers 'mysterious and dangerous' without the need for neon patterns."

I examined the outfit. It came with a little tan vest, and it looked like it was around my size. Might have to roll the sleeves up an inch. "I suppose I could see myself wearing something like this. Where’s the changing room?"

"Hey." Klinn got the cashier’s attention and held up the outfit. "She wants to see if it fits."

The cashier turned his back. "Go ahead. If you try to sneak out with it, an alarm will sound, and you won’t like what happens next."

I gave a frantic glance to Klinn. "There’s no dressing room?"

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