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They exchanged glances before Gravix concentrated on his piloting again. Zorbluk smacked on some chewing gum.

"I know those looks. Spill it."

"So, Klinn," Gravix began, a big grin forming on his face. "We sat and listened to you spill your life story to the detective."

I may not be able to piece things together as fast as Faye, but I knew exactly where this conversation was headed. "It's not like that. She can help me."

"Not like what? We didn’t say anything." Zorbluk chimed in, his tone dripping with mock concern. "Howeverrrr, what does she know about the life of a con artist? What if she turns on all of us? What if she becomes the one who puts you back behind bars?"

Zorbluk had a point. As the leader of this little band of rehabilitating delinquents, I needed to get us all in line. "Such little faith you have. Faye is smart, resourceful." I thought of the way she could backtrack on questions, loop around a story, and get answers. "She has her ways of getting things done.”

Gravix swiveled his head to show me his underwhelm. "How exactly is she going to help you get Riven and pull everyone else out from under his umbrella?"

Zorbluk helped Gravix interrogate me. "What's her plan, stop them in their tracks with her sarcasm?"

I was running out of patience and answers, though I kept a cheerful demeanor intact. If there was one thing I'd never forget after being homeless during my youth, it was to always keep a smile to put people at ease. "You underestimate her. She's got connections, access to information we could never dream of. Plus, she's a force to be reckoned with when she's determined."

Zorbluk snorted. "Yeah, a detective who's determined to lock you up. That's exactly what we need."

I took it all in stride. "We want to be more than con artists. Here’s our chance to wipe the slate clean. I think I’m starting to make Faye see the potential in me heading for the straight and narrow."

"She sees something, alright. Maybe too much." Gravix shook his head in mock pity. "Let's hope this detective of yours doesn't turn out to be another one of your elaborate cons."

Zorbluk glanced down at the coordinates on the panel. "Malecor’s up ahead."

Time to let Faye know. I left them so they could concentrate on getting the landing gear situated. Out in the corridor, I went over their reactions to my plan.

Gravix and Zorbluk tended to skew towards the negative. They’d have to take my word on this one. Faye was going to clear my name, help her own reputation, and then we all could live however we wanted.

I sniffed my arm. A life free from crime was one thing. I might be stuck with these pheromones for a little longer.



This space Klinn waskeeping me in wasn’t a storage room. This used to be where Lumi slept.

I pieced together what he told me about the deceased fourth member of his group. This was likely Lumi’s old room. It could explain why a place chosen for storage would have a bathroom. One shelving unit looked more like a dresser.

Of course, I could be guessing. With everything Klinn told me about Lumi, it would make sense for him and his crew to make these former living quarters into a different kind of functional space. Then they could process the loss of their crewmember without seeing it every day.

I took full stock of the room. Geez. I wish I hadn’t been so quick with the snarky comments to Klinn about this whole Riven issue. He gave a star performance in laughing along, but I spotted the change in his eyes for a second. They registered grief. He hid a lot of complex things under his bright, easy smile.

Maybe I was wrong about Klinn in many ways.

The knock on the door startled me once again. "We’ve landed." Klinn announced.

I had to do something about my anxious reflexes. The door opened as I made sure my boots were on tight.

Klinn stood before me in black pants and top, yet another wardrobe change. How many showers did he take in a day? He smelled so good I had to clamp my molars down on my tongue to keep from saying so. "Zorbluk and Gravix are out getting supplies for the ship. You ready to make your mark in the den of thieves, detective?"

I allowed my tongue to be free. "This would be a great time to keep a stunner handy to protect myself from said den of thieves."

He brushed invisible lint from his sleeve. "You just stick by me, and everything will be smooth sailing."

"Right. The past twenty-four hours have been a real cruise."

I followed him through the ship’s corridors to where we first entered. I made a point to memorize the route in case.

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