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"We ate most of them before we left Earth. There might be a pack still in the fridge."

"Well, heat ‘em up. She’ll need something to drink, too. The cola should still be good if it hasn’t gone flat."

Zorbluk gave a sniff and squinted. Before I could ask him what all that was about, he lumbered down the hall to the ship’s kitchen to whip up dinner. I considered what else Faye might need while she was on the ship.

Something to sleep with. The thought caused my gut to act like I just gulped down a gallon-size fizzy soda, sending a buzz of energy through my body. I had no clue what was going on there. This just wasn’t me.

With the help of my extra set of lungs, I shot down another corridor. Instead of dwelling on the reaction, I went straight into my room and snatched the blanket and pillow from my bed.

What was that smell in here?

I looked around before realizing it came from me. Why in all Xaxos’s moons was I secreting...pheromones? My species didn’t send out pheromones unless....


No, I couldn’t be pumping out the sex chemicals because of her.


I rummaged through a travel case next to the bed and yanked out a can of deodorizing spray the jail wardens passed out. The label rubbed off from sitting at the bottom of the case, but I remembered the brand was named after a weapon or gardening tool. I yanked off my Cubs hoodie and depressed the nozzle as a scent cloud spewed all over my torso. I fanned until the cloud dissolved. Whatever the name, this stuff was strong enough to reach the nearest moon military base.

I left my room. After a quick trip to the kitchen to grab the hot dogs, I carried food and bedding back to where I left Faye.

Chapter Four


Iheard footsteps approachfrom the other side of the door. I had my mean face on and a piece of my mind ready for Klinn when he stepped inside. "I can’t believe you locked me—"

My tongue flubbed in midsentence as he walked in shirtless. The sight of his muscular arms, flexing with each movement, hinted at the strength beneath the surface.

"Can’t believe what?" He waited for me to finish my sentence.

My breath hitched in my throat, amplifying my fixation on his bare torso. The defined contours of his sculpted chest were outlined by intricate Ventivore cultural tattoos. Alright, I’d seen guys’ chests before. Why was his a big deal?

"Did you leave your shirt back with the key?"

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