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She took a couple steps toward me, arms still folded. This interrogation bit was ingrained in her. When she grilled me on Earth, I refused to talk to her because I learned from all those crime shows how a suspect didn’t have to speak without a lawyer present. Or was the correct term, sing like a canary?

No, that one was from an old black and white movie. Not like I was a canary, anyway. I was a Ventivore trying to turn his life around, and somebody somewhere didn’t want it to happen.

Faye presented me with skepticism. "You visited all of those museums right before the thefts."

"I was checking out the artifacts so I could make replicas for my clients."

"Sure you were. You just borrowed the artifacts for a little bit so you could replicate them, too, right?" She raised one eyebrow higher than the other. Her light brown eyes were clear and alert.

"No. Did you ever think it could’ve been a Quarek impersonating me?"

She rolled her eyes. "If I had a dollar for every time a suspect used that excuse. The Wanderstar Fleet has the Quarek infiltration on Earth contained."

"Months ago, they didn’t. Look, I don’t know who’s making me out to be the bad guy, but with your help, I can get answers. When I prove I'm right, you can correct your mistake."

"First you have to prove me wrong."

I noticed she didn’t outright deny the possibility of having grabbed the wrong guy this time. Was this progress?

"After all the stunts you and buddies pulled today in the marketplace, the evidence doesn’t stack up in your favor."

I should’ve watched more criminal procedure shows. This woman was tough as nails and looked about as soft and pretty as shimmeron cloth spun on my home planet. I did my best to keep up with her. "I didn’t intend to drain all the air around the market. Weird stuff seems to be going on with my body lately." By lately, I meant today. Right when I saw her in the market.

"You’re saying you lost control of your deoxygenation ability yet still managed to cause an incident?"

"I wish I had an explanation for you. I never lose control of it. Ever."

"That’s why it’s hard for me to believe you didn’t intend to make it happen today."

"I might be many things, but I don’t get bystanders involved in my stuff." I hung my head in genuine regret. "This time it was a hiccup."

Her lips pressed together as she gave me a long look. I didn’t break away from her discerning stare.

"You don’t believe me, do you?"

Her mouth softened. "I’m going to need time to sort out what you just told me. In the meantime, no more hiccups, okay?"

"You got it." I had no idea how I was going to control my odd physical reactions to her, but if there was a chance she’d help me with this case, I'd try anything. "You’re going to help me with this case, right?"

"You are so impatient."

"I have to be."


"Whoever’s framing me has eyes in this galaxy." I heard a tap on the door. "Be right back."

I left her in the room and locked the door behind me. Outside in the hall, Zorbluk waited. "It’s time for dinner. Does she eat?"

"She eats."


I had to think about it. "At the police station in Chicago, I saw her with a bag of shriveled berries and these tiny acorn-looking things. I think she called it trail mix."

"Where will I forage for trail mix in Xaxos airspace?"

"I’m sure she can eat something else. Do we still have a few packs of those hot dogs left?"

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