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She throws her hands up in the air and I can almost imagine the viewers at home laughing their asses off. At least, I’m trying to give them a good show. With her obvious distaste of me, I have to do something to keep my spirits up.

“Do you always touch other people’s food?” she snaps.

I chew with a smile on my face. “Only the food of women who I find incredibly attractive.”

“You find me attractive?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

How could any man not? “Undoubtedly,” I reply. “The moment you walked onto the stage; I knew I hit the jackpot. You’ve got nothing on those other women. Plus, you hid your egg in the cactus garden. You’re obviously someone who doesn’t like to take the easy route. I think we fit.”

She scoffs. “No, we don’t.”

The more I stare at her, the more I get the feeling I’m missing something. Why does she hate me so much? “We know each other, don’t we?”

“What makes you think we do?” she asks, pursing her lips at me.

“You gave it away with your snarky sass earlier. I may look like a dumb jock but deep down, I’m observant.”

“I highly doubt that, Hudson.”

I chuckle and reach across the table to brush away the hair the wind had blown across her face. She slaps my hand away and glares at me. “Sorry,” I apologize, pulling my hand away, “I was just getting the hair out of your face.”

She hastily tucks the stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I can do that myself.”

She stands and storms off. I have two choices, stay, and eat this delicious food or follow her.

“Fuck it.” I get up and rush after her, calling her name. Only, she doesn’t stop and keeps going until she’s at her door. She gives me a look, which stops me dead in my tracks, before she disappears into her room.

I don’t know how long I stand in her hall. It’s at least long enough for other couples from our show to walk by—holding hands and acting stupid—no less. I suppose when you only have two weeks to make a connection, you don’t waste your time in paradise.

I finally decide to leave and when I get to my room, I flop onto the king size bed and stare at the ceiling, hoping the painted white piece of plaster will give me the answers I seek.



My phone rings and I roll over onto my side to answer it. That’s when I notice the dozen roses sitting on the table, along with a chilled bottle of champagne and two glasses. This production team isn’t messing around, pushing us all into romance.

“Hello?” I sigh heavily into the phone.

“Dude, you’re a moron.”

“Wow, Dave. Nice to talk to you too.”

“Do you know who you are matched up with?”

“Are you watching or something?”

“Yeah, it’s a live stream. We get to vote on our favorite couples and shit.”

“Lovely.” Just what I need, no one editing out my stupidity. I sigh, much more dramatic this time. “Yeah, Allie something is her name. She’s a raging bitch though.” As soon as I say it, I frantically, look around the room checking for cameras.

“Again, moron. It’s Allie Wood.”

“Yeah, her.”

“No, Hudson. It’s Allie Woodie—the chick you tormented the shit out of in high school because you had a massive crush on her.”


Dave groans. “Allison Wood. You tripped her—by accident—the first day of freshman year and she fell and broke her nose. You tried to make it up to her, but someone pushed you from behind and she slammed her head into her locker. Another time, you were running down the hall, not paying attention and rammed right into her and threw her about fifty feet. After that, you made it a point to seek her out, but she didn’t want anything to do with you.”

I sit there, frozen. I remember it all as clear as day. What are the odds of it being the same person? Just my luck. Karma is definitely being a bitch to me right now.


“Yeah?” I say, rubbing a hand over my face.

“To her, you’re a bully. Now’s your time to fix it.” Dave hangs up. The room spins with memories from high school. I never meant to hurt her, I just couldn’t control myself when I was around her. Each year, I tried to be better but with two left feet, I was afraid to make a fool out of myself. I stand and go to the flowers, picking them up. I need to show her I’m not the same jackass I was in high school.

Her room is down the hall and around a corner from mine. I set the flowers down in front of her door, knock, and walk away. When I hear a door open, I keep walking. I don’t want to look back in case it’s not her. And if it is, I don’t want to do something stupid, like speak.

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