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“Do you need help moving in tomorrow? I’d be happy to help you. It’s the least I can do for what you’re doing for me.” If he accepts, it won’t make me feel so bad.

For a few brief seconds, he stares at me curiously. Makes me wonder what’s going on in that mind of his. He peers around my living room and nods. “You know what, I think I’ll take you up on that. All of my furniture will be delivered tomorrow, but I could use some help moving the boxes from my parents’ house.”

I hold out my hand. “Deal. I owe you.” He shakes my hand and goosebumps break out all over my skin. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to notice.

He slowly lets me go. “So, tell me about this party. What all do you need me to do?”

My cheeks burn. There are things I’d love for him to do, but I’m not about to mention them. Closing my eyes, I sigh and open them back up. “Okay, it’s a Valentine’s Day ball, put together by a girl I knew in college. Everyone I graduated with will be there. It’s like one of the biggest events of the year.”

Tanner smirks. “Your ex will be there, right?”

I nod. “Yes. Along with the woman he cheated on me with. I’m sure everyone there knows what happened. I can’t not go.”

“Do you still have feelings for your him?” Tanner asks, furrowing his brows.

“No,” I gasp, knowing it’s the God honest truth. I stare right into Tanner’s eyes, hoping he can see it as well. “I don’t love him anymore. Here recently, I keep thinking I never did. We didn’t have that connection.”

Tanner moves closer, his eyes searching mine. “What exactly do you want from me? Do you want it to look like we’re together?”

My stomach flutters and the nerves make me shiver. “Would that be okay with you?”

His eyes focus on my lips for a few seconds before meeting my gaze again. “If you want this to be believable, we might have to practice. I don’t want to be at the party trying to kiss you, only to have you recoil or look surprised.”

Everything inside of me trembles. Just the sound of his voice and hearing those words turn me on. “That’s not going to be a problem,” I say, whispering the words.

Tanner smiles. “You sure? I’m right here if you want to practice.”

Dammit to hell, I want to kiss him more than anything, but that’s the sexual tension talking. I can’t be acting rash like that, not with Ellie’s brother. Then again, he has a point. We can’t go into the party pretending to be together and not looking like we’re together.

Taking a deep breath, I get to my feet. By the mischievous grin on Tanner’s face, it’s obvious he can tell I’m contemplating it. “Okay,” I give in, “maybe we should practice a couple of things, but not today. I think we should get to know each other a little better first. We have a week before the party.”

He agrees with a nod and stands. “Sounds good to me. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. We’ll spend the day together.”

I like the sound of that, maybe too much. “See you tomorrow,” I say. I walk him to the door and he opens it. He glances down at my lips again and I really just want to say fuck it and kiss him just to see what it’s like, but I totally chicken out.

Something tells me he’s not afraid though. Tanner starts out the door and looks at me over his shoulder. “Sweet dreams tonight, Soph. I’m sure I will.”

Mouth gaping, I watch him get in a black Jeep and drive away. Sweet dreams aren’t exactly what will be happening in my sleep. All that’s roaming through my mind is naughty. Groaning, I shut the door and lean against it.

“What the hell have I gotten myself in to?” I can still smell Tanner’s cologne and it’s intoxicating. “I’m going to be making out with my best friend’s brother. If that doesn’t spell disaster, I don’t know what does,” I mutter out loud. What’s bad is that I know I’m going to like it.



With a cup of coffee in each hand, I make my way toward Sophie’s door. It would make sense for me to leave my cup in the Wrangler, especially considering the new initiative of no Styrofoam allowed and the hot liquid is burning my hand. Not to mention, the lids barely fit over the thin paper product.

“Son of a bitch,” I mutter. With each step I climb or with any sudden movements, coffee splashes on my hand and it hurts. Guess that’s why the word hot is printed on the cup. As soon as I let out my verbal displeasure, one of Sophie’s neighbors steps out of her apartment. I smile as I pass by.

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