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Simone reached for Brooklyn’s hands. She tried to smile, but Brooklyn could tell it was forced. Simone cleared her throat and said, “Carly has cancer. It’s stage four, and she’s refused treatment. At her last checkup, she was given months to live.”

Brooklyn’s mouth dropped open as she leaned back slowly until her back touched the cushion of the sofa. Bowie was talking to her, but she couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was saying. She couldn’t even focus on Simone, as she and the people around her were nothing more than a blur. Her daughter’s grandmother was dying. She was there because of this. Remodeling the inn was nothing more than a ruse to get her to return home. To have her here, along with Brystol, so that when Carly passed, what she had left for family was by her side.

It all made sense now, why Carly was so adamant that they go downtown and to the bonfire. She was preparing to say goodbye.


When Brystol returned, she had a tray of snacks and drinks for everyone. That was Bowie’s suggestion, to bring comfort foods. He should’ve gone to do it himself, but something had told him to stay and make sure Brooklyn didn’t need anything. More so, he wanted an excuse to be with her alone and knew if she were vulnerable, she wouldn’t push him away. But now that Brystol was back, she sat between them, and he had all but been forgotten. He used that chance to watch mother and daughter interact, and to witness how close Brystol and Simone were. Simi, as Brystol called her, seemed almost comforted each time her nickname was said. Still, it baffled and hurt Bowie that Austin’s daughter had been kept a secret. He didn’t know who to blame, Brooklyn or Carly, mostly himself. Deep down he thought it was Carly, but for the life of him he couldn’t grasp why she would do such a thing. There was so much he wanted to ask Brooklyn, and if the time had been right, maybe he would’ve. As it was, they were playing the waiting game. Her, waiting to hear about Carly, and him, waiting for Brooklyn to announce that she was leaving. He hoped his plea from the other night meant something to her, enough that she would consider staying. But if Carly were to die, where would that leave them? After holding Brooklyn earlier, even though it was only meant to comfort her, he knew without a doubt he was falling back in love with her.

His phone continued to vibrate in his pocket, likely Graham or Monroe trying to find out what was going on. Shortly after he had arrived, he had seen Jason walk through the double doors of the emergency room, but he had yet to emerge. Whatever was going on with Carly was taking a lot of time. He hadn’t had much experience with situations like this but felt that maybe time wasn’t on their side right now. That if Carly was okay, someone would’ve come out to tell them already.

He excused himself to go outside to check his phone. He glanced at the display and saw a barrage of missed calls and text messages. Word traveled fast about Carly, and everyone wanted to know what was happening.

“Graham,” he said into the receiver after his friend picked up.

“What’s going on?”

“Carly collapsed out on the beach. She’s in the ER now. I don’t know much, but Simone says she’s been sick.”

Graham muttered a few choice words. “What can we do?”

“Can you head over to Carly’s and make sure Luke’s in the house? He may need to go out.”

“I’m on it. Call me or Roe if you need anything.”

“Oh, maybe you can call Rennie. I think Brooklyn’s going to need her.”

“Yeah, of course.” After Bowie hung up, he inhaled deeply. Today was not going as planned. When he had awoken in the inn, he had thought he’d have a new start with Brooklyn, that they’d spend the day together. He was happy to be with her now, though, and he was going to take what time with her he could get.

He walked back into the hospital and went to the waiting room and found Brooklyn sitting by herself. “Where’re Brystol and Simone?” he asked. He didn’t even hesitate and sat right next to Brooklyn, putting his arm back where it had been. The only thing he couldn’t bring himself to do was reach for her hand. It was almost as if the comforting moments had passed.

“They went to the nursery to look at the babies.” Brooklyn sighed. She rubbed her hands down her legs and leaned forward, staring at the double doors. “What’s taking so long?”

“I don’t know, B. I’m sure in her fragile state they’re running all sorts of tests. Did anyone tell the doctor what Simone said?”

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