Page 133 of Summer's Gift

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He put his hand on her thigh. “Yeah, sweetheart.”

She wanted to tell him about what Miranda had said and asked of her, but kept it to herself because she didn’t want to upset him more. “I’m glad you came home early.”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

She grinned at him. “It was a nice surprise.”

“There’s another for you in the back seat.”

She turned and spotted the huge bouquet of red roses. “They’re lovely. Thank you.”

“I just wanted to see you smile.”

“I do every time I look at or think about you.”

He squeezed her thigh. “There’s this taqueria down the road. It’s got the best food. Plus we can walk down to the beach and eat tacos on the sand and watch the ocean for a while if you want.”

“That sounds perfect.”

An hour later they were sipping sangria from takeout soda cups through straws, with their toes in the sand, taco wrappers stuffed in a bag as the seagulls called out overhead and the ocean crashed against the beach in front of them.

They didn’t talk much, sitting next to each other, her arm wrapped through his, her head on his shoulder.

Her phone broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Cody glanced at the incoming text. “Your mom again?”

“Haley.” Summer sat up straight, her eyes locked on the message.

HALEY:Come home. Your mom is here! Dad is not happy.

“Oh, shit. We have to go home. Now!” Summer scrambled up and grabbed the garbage bag, her purse, and cup on the go.

“What’s the rush?”

“My mother is at the house.”


“With Nate.”

“Oh, shit.” Cody swiveled and stood at the same time to run after her.

If her mother was in town, guarantee, this was going to go bad. Very bad.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Summer and Cody heard raised voices the second they opened the front door and headed toward the Weston family living room.

“I’m taking her home,” her mother said.

“Summer’s a grown woman. She can make her own decisions,” Nate shot back. “And anyway, she’s better off here than with you.”

“That’s not true. You’ve met her, you spent time with her. Now it’s time for her to return to her real life.”

“She has a life here with us, too,” Nate snapped.

“I gave her everything you couldn’t. She’s going to run Sutherland Industries soon. That’s her legacy.”
