Page 105 of Summer's Gift

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“Any other ways you want to try out, because if it goes as well as that, I’m in.”

She smiled, knowing he’d feel it against his skin. “It was always one way. Their way. It never felt like it was about me. Or us. With you, it does.”

His arms tightened around her. His lips pressed one kiss and then another on her forehead, before he cupped her face in one big, warm hand and tilted her face up to look at him. “All I’ve wanted is for this relationship to be about us. So no more worrying about everyone else. Let’s focus on whatwewant. For me, that’s you.”

“I’ve never had anything like this. I don’t want to lose it. And I know we have some challenges ahead.”

“We’ll face them together.”

“Do you remember what you said about our relationship the night you brought me home from the hospital and we kissed for the first time?”

It took Cody a second to respond. “That I want this to be what I want it to be.”

“Yes. I think about that all the time. And you’re right, we’ll make it what we want by focusing on us and being together.”

Cody hugged her close. “I like us, like this.”

“Me too.” So much so that the thought of not spendingalltheir nights together made her miss him already.

“Don’t do that,” he whispered.


“Worry about what’s ahead. We’ll figure it out. Tonight, let’s not think about anything and just feel.” To that end, he slid his hands down over her ass and squeezed, then started the seduction into lovemaking all over again.

By the time they settled into sleep, his arm around her, his face in her hair, they were completely connected. The memory of them was a sweet dream turned into reality when he woke her before dawn with sweet kisses and his body filling hers once more.

What a way to start the day.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Cody was still thinking about how he’d made love to Summer this morning. The sweet sounds she made when he snuggled up behind her, her rump against his aching cock, one of his hands between her legs, the other cupped around one perfect breast. The smell of her still lingered in his nose. The echo of her body moving against his still rippled over his skin.

He loved being with her.

All they had to do was figure out the rest of their lives and what that looked like, so they were never apart.

He walked into his kitchen with her hand in his and stopped short when he found David downing a glass of water at the sink, his back to them.

The man was fully clothed in the suit he’d worn last night, now wrinkled, his hair a mess, a five o’clock shadow darkening his jaw. All of which said he’d spent the night here.

“Good morning,” Summer said.

Cody wasn’t sure what to say to his friend, who’d apparently slept with his sister last night.

David jumped and spun around to face them. His eyes went wide when he spotted Cody, then guilt replaced the surprise. “Uh.Morning.” David glanced at the still more dark than light outside the windows.

Yeah, Cody and Summer were sneaking into the house, while David looked to be about to sneak out of it before anyone was up and on to them.

“Did you two have a good night?” David asked, catching on that Cody and Summer were also still in their outfits from last night.

“We did,” Summer said, no hesitation or reserve in her cheery mood.

His sister walked into the room wearing a silky robe. She didn’t hesitate when she spotted him and Summer and went to David, sliding her arm around his waist and leaning into him. “I’ll walk you out.”

David looked down at her, a look of pure adoration in his eyes. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to.”
